Free Lance-Star

LETTER: Thanks, FLS, for raising tick-disease awareness

Free Lance-Star, Fredericksburg, VA.

April 11, 2013

I’d like to thank Chelyen Davis for her reporting of current Lyme disease issues [“Law targets Lyme disease,” April 6]. Your paper has a long history of educating the public about the dangers of contracting tick-borne diseases, and I encourage you to continue your fine work.

While recently spending time in Fredericksburg, I found it alarming to meet a number of people who still aren’t informed about the risks of tick bites.

Perhaps with our combined efforts and help from the public, we can educate more people and spare residents of Fredericksburg and surrounding areas from having to live with a disease that can quickly become chronic and disabling if not diagnosed and treated promptly.

Thank you for taking tick-borne disease seriously and for your never-ending concern for the health of your readers.

And don’t forget—do a tick check!

Lucy Barnes

Centreville, Md.

Lyme Disease Education and Support Group

Link to Letter Here
