Faculty Development Programmes

What is Internal Faculty Development Programme?

The programme christened Internal Faculty Development Programme is a scheme whereby every faculty and staff of the Department of Computer Applications benefit from the experiences and knowledge of all others in the Department. Each Programme is a talk of one-hour duration on a topic chosen by the speaker. It could also be hands-on training on popular software packages.These Programmes are held approximately once in a month. The first Programme was held on 14th January 2009. Appropriately, it was a talk on self-improvement by Mr. Dijesh P, Sr. Lecturer, and he began quoting Abraham Lincoln : "No man is good enough to govern another man without the other man's consent." It was in these Programmes the Department identified problems for the All-Kerala C Coding Contest which is currently running in its second edition. The idea for "Two-day Workshop on Text Processing Using LaTeX" also evolved after Internal Faculty Development Programme sessions on LaTeX were held.

Silver Jubilee Edition (25th Edition) of the Programme

Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Principal, talking during the Silver Jubilee Edition of the Internal Faculty Development Programm.

Mr Sajay K R, Asst Professor of Computer Applications, delivering the main talk during the Silver Jubilee Edition of the Internal Faculty Development Programme.

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The Silver Jubilee Edition (25th Edition) of the Internal Faculty Development Programme of the Department was held in the After-noon of 08 October 2012. There was a brief formal session marking the occasion. The session was presided over by Dr V N Krishnachandran, Head of Department. Ms Aparna S Balan welcomed the participants and Ms Reji C Joy proposed vote of thanks. Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Principal, participated in the function as an honoured guest and offered felicitations. Dr Satheesh and Dr Mannil Mohan of the Applied Sciences Department, and Mr G R Rajesh of the ECE Department also offered felicitations. Mr Dijesh P, with whose talk the series of Programmes were inaugurated, also talked on the occasion.

The main event of the session was a talk by Mr Sajay K R of the Department. He talked on "Mobile Network Technology". It was a well-studied presentation and was well appreciated by all present for the thoroughness of the coverage of the intended topics, for the well crafted slides and also for the well-modulated delivery of the talk. The Principal made a special appreciation of the presentation.

    • Brochure of the Silver Jubilee Edition (PDF) >>

Details of Programmes organised so far

The chart below shows the serial number (ascending upwards), the name of the speaker of the session, the topic of discussion and the date on which the programme was held.