Placement help

Preparing for placement

We have collected in this page together a large collection of documents which would be helpful for all students keen on securing a dream placement. The Web-team of this site is indebted to Jinesh P, student of S5 MCA (2008 admissions) and an Honorary Web-team Member of this site, for taking all the efforts to collect these documents and making it available for dissemination through this site.

The collection will be expanded as and when new materials are acquired. Readers are strongly urged to share whatever relevant material they have with the Web-team.

Resume writing

Everyone knows how to write a resume, but few of them actually know how to do that correctly! The powerpoint slide-shows below give some tips in this regard.

Developing verbal reasoning power

Here is a beautiful book to help you develop your verbal reasoning power.

A modern approach to verbal reasoning (fully solved) by R S Aggarval.

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Developing logical reasoning power

Here is a collection of 150 puzzles to help you develop your logical reasoning powers.

150 puzzles

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Know more about soft skills

Soft skills is a sociological term relating to a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with other people. Soft skills complement hard skills (part of a person's IQ), which are the occupational requirements of a job and many other activities.

A person's soft skill EQ is an important part of their individual contribution to the success of an organization, particularly to those organizations that deal with customers face-to-face. In a number of professions soft skills are more important over the long term than occupational skills. It has been recognized that when IT Professionals acquire soft skills, better relationships are built between IT and the other business units within the enterprise, fostering alignment.

Soft Skills are behavioral competencies. Also known as Interpersonal Skills, or people skills, they include proficiencies such as communication skills, conflict resolution and negotiation, personal effectiveness, creative problem solving, strategic thinking, team building, influencing skills and selling skills.

Here are a few presentations that help one to know more about and to develop these skills.

    • On attitudes
    • On basic communication skills
    • More about communication skills
    • On effective presentations
    • On leadership quality
    • On problem solving skill
    • On time and stress management