Math in Google sites


To display the following expression

include the following code in the HTML page:

<img src=" & chf=bg,s,FFFFFF00 & chco=000000 & chl=e^z=\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{z^n}{n!}" />

Note the URL: cht = tx & chf = bg,s,FFFFFF00 & chco=000000 & chl = e^z=\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{z^n}{n!}

    • cht = tx, stands for "TeX". ChT stands for ChartType.
    • chf = bg stands for background, s stands for solid, FFFFFF00 is a 4bit Hexstring which is the colour used to render the background. The latest "00" in the string will make it a transparent image, and uses the other values for hinting the background-colour. ChF stands for ChartFormat.
    • chco = a 3bit Hexstring which is the foreground colour used to render the TeX. ChCo stands for ChartColour.
    • chl = the actual LaTeX string.

The arguments ChF and ChCo are optional. Default is an opaque white background with black foreground.

We have to convert the LaTeX string into a URL encoded string, because there are some invalid characters, e.g. ">" and "&".

For URL encoding, visit : HTML URL Encoding Reference

Some of the possible invalid characters and their URL encodings are given in the following table.