Assistant Professor

Phone : (+91) 4885 287751/52 Ext : 153

Mobile : 9744672277

    • M.Phil in Computer Science from Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
    • M C A from Valliyammal College for Women, Chennai, University of Madras.
    • B.Sc Computer Science from KRMM College, Chennai, University of Madras.
    • Aug 08- Present Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Applications at Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur.
    • Jun 08 – Jul 08 Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at College of Applied Science, Thrissur.
    • Jun 05 – May 08 Lecturer at St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur.
    • Jun 04 – Dec 04 Teacher at Sri L.G.G Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chennai.
    • Dr.V.N.Krishnachandran, Reji.C.Joy, Siji.K.B : "On Sangamagrama Madhava's Algorithms for the Computation of Sine and Cosine Functions" , International Conference on Computational Engineering Practices and Techniques :MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram( 2010).
    • Dr.V.N.Krishnachandran, Reji.C.Joy, Siji.K.B : "More CAS's in maths classrooms: An urgent imperative" ,International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education : Amrita Viswa Vidyapeethom, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam (2012).
    • June 15 One-day Faculty Development Program on Software Development - Agile Methodologies, TCS Kochi.
    • Oct 12 One-day Faculty Development Program on Mobility at TCS, Kochi.
    • Mar 12 NCHIP International Conference at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur
    • Sep 10 Two day wokshop on Latex at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur.
    • July 10 Workshop on J2EE by Infosys team, at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, by Infosys team
    • July 10 Advanced Teaching and Learning Methodologies, MESCE,Kuttipuram
    • Sep 09 One day workshop on Data Mining, Adi Sanakara Collegeof Engineering, Kalady
    • Feb 09 Three day workshop on Web Technologies, Webware ‘ 09 , at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur.