College Level Functions

The Department of Computer Applications as a whole, or particular individual faculty members of the Department, has often been entrusted with task of organising College level events. The first such event organised by the Department was the Scholarship and Endowment Prize Distribution Function 2001-11. The complete responsibility of organising the event was vested with the Department. The event was universally adjudged as a well-planned and well-executed event. After the successful organisation of that function, it was felt that the documents created in connection with the event be preserved in the electronic form so that these documents could be used in the organisation of similar events in the future, even if the organisers of the future events are not associated with the Department of Computer Applications. It was then decided to utilise the free services provided by Google to set up repositories of these documents and provide gateways to these depositories via links in the the website of the Department of Computer Applications. The following links provide access to pages which are the gateways to repositories of documents related to various College level functions.

Most of the documents included in the depository are only draft versions of the relevant documents. (The WebTeam of this site could acquire only the draft versions.) The final documents may substantially differ from the ones actually used in the events.

Physical Depositories