Behavioral Expectations in the Classroom

Except for a microscopic minority of students, all students of Vidya Academy whether studying in the B Tech or MCA programes are exceptionally well-behaved and are focused on their studies. Student obstructions or disruptions in Vidya Academy classrooms are rare and seldom lead to disciplinary actions. However for the information of all we set forth below a set of guidelines as standards of behavior expected of students of Vidya Academy.

Classroom etiquette: Behavioral Expectations in the Classroom

To prevent distracting behavior, faculty should clarify standards for the conduct of students in the class. Classroom “etiquette” expectations include the following:

    • Attending classes and paying attention. Students should not ask an lecturer/instructor in class to go over material they missed by skipping a class or not concentrating.
    • Not coming to class late or leaving early. If a student has to enter a class late, he/she should explain the reasons for being late and should get the permission of the lecturer/instructor to enter the class. If permitted to enter the class, he/she should do so and occupy his/her seat quietly and should not disrupt the neighboring students or other students of the class.Students should not leave class unless it is an absolute necessity.
    • Not talking with other classmates while the instructor or another student is speaking. If a student has a question or comment, he or she should raise a hand, rather than starting a conversation about it with a neighbor.
    • Showing respect and concern for others by not monopolizing class discussion. Students must allow others time to give their input and ask questions. Students should not stray from the topic of class discussion.
    • Not eating and drinking during class time.
    • Not bringing electronic devices including cell phones, pagers, and beeper watches, and turning them off if they had to be brought for any reason.
    • Avoiding audible and visible signs of restlessness. These are both rude and disruptive to the rest of the class.
    • Focusing on class material during class time. Sleeping, talking to others, doing work for another class, reading the newspaper, checking e-mail, and exploring the Internet are unacceptable and can be disruptive.
    • Not packing book-bags or backpacks to leave until the instructor has dismissed class.

Consequences for students engaged in disruptive classroom behavior

    • If a student is disruptive, he/she should be asked to stop and warned that continuing such disruptive behavior can result in academic or disciplinary action. Many students may be unaware that their behavior is disruptive; therefore, a private conversation with the student is often effective and preferable as an initial step.
    • Should the disruptive behavior continue, the faculty member is authorized to ask the student to leave the classroom or site.
    • If a student refuses to leave the area after being instructed to do so, the student should be informed that this refusal is a separate violation subject to additional penalties.
    • If, in the instructor’s best judgment, the behavior creates a safety risk or makes it impossible to continue class or function, the lecturer/instructor should contact the Head of Department and Principal to assist in removal of the student and/or may dismiss class for that period.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:

    • Previously submitted work. Submitting academically required material that has been previously submitted—in whole or in substantial part—in another course, without prior and expressed consent of the instructor.
    • Plagiarism. Copying or receiving material from any source and submitting that material as one’s own, without acknowledging and citing the particular debts to the source (quotations, paraphrases, basic ideas), or in any other manner representing the work of another as one’s own.
    • Cheating. Soliciting and/or receiving information from, or providing information to, another student or any other unauthorized source (including electronic sources such as cellular phones and PDAs), with the intent to deceive while completing an examination or individual assignment.
    • Falsification of academic materials. Fabricating laboratory materials, notes, reports, or any forms of computer data; forging an instructor’s name or initials; resubmitting an examination or assignment for reevaluation which has been altered without the instructor’s authorization; or submitting a report, paper, materials, computer data, or examination (or any considerable part thereof) prepared by any person other than the student responsible for the assignment.
    • Misrepresentation of documents. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College or Official document, record, or instrument of identification.

If the instructor believes that the student did commit an act of academic dishonesty, the instructor has the authority to impose one or more of the following sanctions:

    1. Warning. Provide written notice to the student that he/she has violated a college academic integrity standard and that the repetition of the wrongful conduct may be cause for more severe sanctions.
    2. Revision of Work. Require the student to replace or revise the work in which dishonesty occurred.
    3. Reduction in Grade. Reduce the student's marks with respect to the particular assignment/exam.
    4. Such other reasonable and appropriate sanction(s) as may be determined by the instructor in consultation with the Head of Department.

(The Department of Computer Applications has adopted these guidelines as standards of student behavior in the classroom. These are slightly modified versions of documents published on-line in the website of the State University of New York at Buffalo (University at Buffalo), USA.)