All Kerala C Coding Contest 2010 Prize Winners

List of Prize Winners



Oral presentations and Prize Distribution Ceremony


The final oral presentations of the solutions by the short-listed candidates were held on 10 December 2010. Due to certaion technical problems, the presentations were held in the after-noon at 2.00 pm instead of in the morning at 10.00 am as had been previously announced. All the contestants were received warmly in the Department and informal dinner had been arranged for the contestants.

Dr Agnisarman Namboothiri, Head of Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Mr Paul Chakola, Training & Placement Officer, members of the Expert Group and staff of the Department all joined for the dinner.

It was a great scintillating climax to the All Kerala C Coding Contest 2010 organised by the Department of Computer Applications.

All the short-listed contestants had come prepared to present their unique solutions to the problem posed as part of the Contest. Watching them present their solution in their own language, in their own idioms, was an exciting experience for all who were present during the presentations. There were flashes of brilliance, narrations of intellectual challenges faced in solving the problem, struggles to overcome the obstacles, innovations attempted which sometimes failed and many a times succeeded. There were also shadows of a casualness of approach leading to less than perfect solutions which otherwise had creative sparks of genius.

Coding is a challenge. Coding rightly is the true challenge. Coding rightly with the user in mind is the greatest challenge. All the contestants have imbibed and internalised the true meaning of the greatest challenge. The Expert Group which evaluated the programmes and the presentations had some hard time in finalising the list of prize winners. They had to analyse threadbare line by line the codes and also word by word the presentations for preparing the final list. The Organising Committee is thankful to the members of the Expert Group for all the trouble they had taken in evaluating the proposed solutions.

After the presentations, cash prizes and certificates were awarded to the prize winners in a Prize Distribution Ceremony held in the Main Seminar Hall of the College. Mr Shanil K N, Lecture in Department of CSE and member of the Expert Group, explained the rationale behind the selection of the Prize Winners. Ms Sunitha C, Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE and Convener of the Expert Group, announced the prizes. Dr V N Krishnachandran, Head of department of Computer Applications, distributed prizes. Mr Paul Chakola, Training & Placement Officer, felicitated the prize winners.
