Various Stages

Student projects


2010 Admissions

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Various Stages

For the successful completion of the project work, every student has to complete the following stages satisfactorily.

1. Submission of topics

Each student has to submit a topic on which he/she would like to do the Project. The format for the submission of the of topic is available here.

While submitting the proposal, the student must be fully aware of the broad details of the project. Every student must submit a reasonably complete description of the proposed project.

2. Project topic approval

All the project guides together (list available here) will scrutinize the topic. If found suitable, they will approve the topic and assign it to the student. The approval will be based on the quality and standard of the project. The main ideas of a Project should not be identical to the contents of any of the Projects done by the senior students. The list of Projects done by the senior students are available here.Also no two students will be permitted to do similar or nearly identical projects.

3. Getting consent from firm/institute

Once a topic approved by the Supervisor, the student has to get the consent of the firm in writing for doing the work and the same has to produced during the initial presentation on the Project.

4. Initial presentation

Every student has to make an initial presentation on the progress of the project related work. (Schedule of presentations is available here.) For making the initial presentation, every student has to come prepared with the following:

1. A confirmation/consent letter from the organization where the student is undertaking the studies in connection with the Thesis Work. The letter should contain the following particulars:

    1. Name of student
    2. Class in which presently studying
    3. University examination Register No.
    4. Name of College
    5. Title of project

2. A slide-show presentation on problem description, hardware/software description, existing system, feasibility study, module-wise description, etc.

3. A written report of the work already completed and DFD Level 0 / Sequence Diagram.

4. Every student is expected to maintain a work diary from the start of the project. Work Diary in the prescribed form is available here. Daily project work has to be updated in the diary. Example: Discussed project with guide, started reading Java, studied keywords,controls etc,started form design,designed table1,2 etc,studied module 1,prepared DFD level 0.

5. Mid-term review

Every student has to prepare a presentation regarding the progress of the project work. (Schedule of mid-term review is available here.) The presentation must contain the following particulars:

1. DFD level-0,level-1 and level-2 / Sequence Diagram

2. ER diagram/ Class Diagram

3. Data base designs

4. SRS (Functional and non-functional) Format of SRS is available here.

4. Other relevant information

The students must ensure that proper validation testing is performed. Every student has to get the approval from the Supervisor for including the above features in the final presentation and the final report.This approval has to be produced at the time of the final presentation.All students should also submit the work diary during mid term review.

6. Final presentation with live demonstration

After completing the work related to the project, every student has to make a final presentation in the Department on his/her project work. (Schedule is available here.) For the final presentation, every student has to come prepared with the following:

1. A slide-show on the full project

2. A draft of the Project Report (The draft Report may be presented in the hard or soft form. A soft copy of the draft Report should be emailed to the respective Project Guides so as to reach him/her before the date of the final presentation.)

3. A live demonstration of the project

Great care and seriousness is to be given to this presentation as it would be a rehearsal and a training for the presentation before the external examiners. Note the following:

i. Come for the presentation in the college uniform dress (on Friday also).

ii. Positively, bring the identity card.

iii. The presentation must be in English. The programme will be held in a formal atmosphere. So it is essential that the students follow accepted social etiquettes of formal interactions.

iv. Rehearse well before the final presentation.

7. Project report submission

After the final presentation, every student has to submit a written Report on the project done by him/her.

Details of Report Preparation:

Students may contact their supervisors for the format of the Report.The report must have a minimum of 150 - 200 pages.The screen shots of all user-interfaces must be included in the record.Codes of any one of the important modules must be attached. The codes must be well commented. The report must also include at least 5 reports.(A draft format is available here.) Minimum of three copies of the report are to be submitted in the department. One copy to be forwarded to the university, one copy to be retained in department library and one copy to be returned to the student.

8. Viva-voce by External examiner

Every student has to appear for a viva-voce conducted by an External Examiner appointed by the University of Calicut. The schedule of the viva-voce will be announced by the University.