Format of Analysis Phase Report

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This should be one/two short paragraphs (100-150) words only, summarizing the project work.

Problem Definition

Define the problem on which you are working in the project. Provide details of the overall problem and then divide the problem in to sub problems. Define each sub problem clearly.

Requirements Specification

In this part you should define the requirements of the system, independent of how these requirements will be accomplished. The requirements specification describes the things in the system and the actions that can be done on these things. Identify the operations and problems of the existing system.

Software and Hardware Requirements

Hardware Requirements

In this section , identify the hardware (CPU, RAM, disk capacity etc) required to run your software.

Software Requirements

In this section, the operating system, the compiler used etc must be listed.

Conceptual Models

Conceptual models consists of dataflow diagram, ER diagrams etc.