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S6 MCA Project Syllabus

Course Objectives

● To apply the software engineering principles on a real software project

● Develop a software product using the Agile methodology.


Identify Real projects - Any project useful to the Society. The project must be done in house. The student has to spent the time in the lab for project work. Attendance as per MCA regulations is applicable for appearing for the final viva-voce. However the evaluation committee can give consent to students in exceptional cases to do their project in Industry which has real live projects. Local industries and training Institutes which offer live projects should not be permitted. Students, individually have to do a project approved by their faculty Supervisor.

Project evaluation weights shall be as follows:-

For convenience the marks are allotted as follows.

Project Progress evaluation details

    • Total Marks for the Final Project: 100
    • Project evaluation by the supervisor/s : 30 Marks
    • Presentation & evaluation by the Committee : 40 Marks
    • Evaluation by the External expert : 30 Marks

The project assessment board shall consist of the following members.

    • Chairman: Head of the Department
    • Members:
      • Project supervisor/s of the student
      • One faculty member from the Department
      • One faculty member from a sister Department
      • An external expert, either from an academic/research institute or Industry

A faculty/technical staff should act as the Scrum Master of each Project team. The Customer or a Senior faculty is the Product Owner.

Frequent meetings are highly encouraged, at the convenience of the Scrum Master. Should not exceed 15 minutes. Ensure meetings once in three days. A sprint is two weeks, so ensure biweekly reviews. A review should not exceed 30 minutes. A demo to the Product Owner is compulsory in each review. Use git for Version control.

Follow Test Driven Development. Bugzilla or an equivalent tool may be used for bug tracking.

The student should keep a rough record. Divide it into 4 parts:

    1. Product Backlog
    2. Database & UI Design
    3. Testing & Validation
    4. Details of Versions.

Make dated entries to the corresponding part, as the project progresses. The Corrections and comments from Product Owner/Scrum Master should be clearly indicated with the Date.

Project presentations may be conducted for Internal Assessment. They should also serve as supplement to Scrum reviews. The evaluation board may consist of other faculty members/technical staff. A maximum of 2 Presentations are allowed. Scrum reviews should not be sacrificed for presentations.Students must be encouraged to publish their work in journals and due credit to be given to the students for this.

Latex or an equivalent tool should be used for preparing Presentations and Project Report.

Extracts from regulations

RU-7 Project Evaluation

Normally students are expected to do the project within the college. However they are permitted to do the project in an industry or in a government research institute under a qualified supervisor from that organization. Progress of the project work is to be evaluated at least twice before the final evaluation. For this a committee headed by the head of the department with two other faculty members in the area of the project and the project supervisor/s.If the project is done outside the college, the external supervisor associated with the student shall

also be a member of the committee. Final evaluation of the project will be taken up only if the student has earned all course credits listed in the previous semesters Project evaluation shall be done by the same committee mentioned above with an external expert, either from an academic/R&D organization or from Industry, as an additional member. If the quantum of work done by the candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, the committee may extend the duration of the project up to one more semester, giving reasons for this in writing to the student. Normally further extension will not be granted and there shall be no provision to register again for the project.

RU -8 Project work outside the College

While students are expected to do their projects in their colleges, provision is available for them to do it outside the college either in a reputed software industry or in an institute of repute. This is only possible in the final semester. Student should apply for this through the project supervisor indicating the reason for this well in advance.The application for this shall include the following:-

Topic of the Project:

Project work plan:

Reason for doing the project outside:

Institution/Company where the project is to be done:

External Supervisor Name:




Letter of consent of the External Supervisor as well as from the organization is to be obtained.

This application is to be vetted by the head of the department and based on the decision taken, the student is permitted to do the project outside the college.