eSpiderZ 2011


eSpiderz 2011 results announced (31 March 2011)


The much anticipated results of the eSpiderZ 2011 : Web Designing Contest were announced in a Prize Distribution Ceremony held in the Main Seminar Hall of the College on 31 March 2011. The prizes were distributed by Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Professor and Head of Department of EEE. Mr Paul Chakkola, Training & Placement Head of the College, felicitated the prize winners.

Congratulations prize winners.

Prize winners


First Prize

Second Prize

Third Prize


Home page of the prize winning entry

(as on 15/03/11)

Jinesh P (S5)

Preeth C P (S3)

Praseedha Menon (S1)

Prize distribution ceremony


The Prize Distribution Ceremony of the eSpiderz 2011 was held in the Main Seminar Hall of the College during the after-noon session of 31 March 2011 (Thursday). Regular classes in the Department were suspended during the last two periods of the day to enable staff and students to participate in the function.

The programme, presided over by Dr V N Krishnachandran, Head of Department, began with an invocation of God's blessings in the form of a prayer by Midhu Vincent of S5 MCA. Immediately after the prayer, a minute's silence was observed in memory of Ms Mamatha E, a student of S3 MCA (2009 admissions), whose life came to an untimely end after a tragic accident.

Ms Aparna S Balan, Sr. Lecturer in the Department, welcomed the guests and the participants.

Dr V N Krishnanachandran then spoke of the aims and objectives of the e-SpiderZ contest. The contest was a vehicle to encourage creativity, to help develop the capacity for self-study, and to stimulate the spirit of inquiry and exploration. He also spoke of Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Chief Guest of the function, who had recently been awarded the Ph D degree by National Institute of Technology Calicut. According to him she symbolised women's quest for knowledge and the fact that even after completing formal education a woman can do highly creative intellectual work. He congratulated her on her achievement and offered congratulations on behalf of all in the Department of Computer Applications.

Dr Sudha Balagopalan, spoke a few words in appreciation of the contest and thanked the organisers for giving her an opportunity to speak to the students.

Ms Reji C Joy, Coordinator of the contest, then announced the prizes.

Dr Sudha Balagopalan distributed cash prizes and certificates to the prize winners. Consolation certificates were distributed to all other participants.

Mr Paul Chakkola, Training & Placement Head of the College, felicitated the prize winners. He urged them, and also all those who had participated in the contest, to develop their sites with more content and extend it by introducing more features and technology. Mr Jeswin Saju, Secretary of MCA Association, also felicitated the prize winners.

Mr Sajay K R, Lecturer, proposed a vote of thanks.



e-SpiderZ is an annual web-designing contest of the Department of Computer Applications. The first edition of the contest was held in the year 2010. The whole idea behind the contest is to nurture creativity and to promote a spirit of self-study and exploration among students. Currently, the contest is open only to students of Computer Applications Department of this College.

The challenge is to create the best web-site using the tools available with Google-sites. There is no restriction on the theme of the site. Prizes are determined based on the aesthetics of design and richness of content of the website. This year winners will be awarded cash prizes. Also, the winners will be inducted as Honorary Student Editors of the department website for the academic year 2011-2012.

Format for submission of entries



The last date for submission of entries to e-SpiderZ 2011 is 15 March 2011.

    1. The entries are to be submitted in the prescribed format given below.
    2. You should not make any changes to the submitted site after 4.30 pm on 15 March 2011. You may make changes after the declaration of results.
    3. The link to “recent site activity” should be available for view for all during the period of evaluation of the site.

Download format

e-SpiderZ 2011

A web designing contest of Department of Computer Applications

Vidya Academy of Science & Technology, Thrissur - 690 501

Format for submission of entries

Official Announcement


e-SpiderZ 2011, the 2011 edition of the contest, was officially announced on 01 February 2011.

Prizes and honours


The winners of the contest are bestowed the following prizes and honours:

  • Cash Prizes

First Prize

Second Prize

Third Prize




  • Honours

The winners will be appointed as Honourary Students Editors of the Department Website for a period of one year. For the current edition of the contest the winners will be designated as Honourary Student Editors for the academic year 2011-12. Their names and photographs will be permanently displayed along with the photographs of other Web Team members.



List of submitted websites


List of Registered Students



(2010 admissions)

01. Swapna Mohan

02. Shaheeda

03. Indu

04. Nimisha

05. Drushya

06. Praseedha

07. Naveen

08. Stephin

09. Aparna


(2009 admissions)

01. Ann Mary John

02. Benitta Baby

03. Nisha Shukoor

04. Reja Ramdas

05. Christine Jose K

06. Hema V

07. Jisha T R

08. Karthika K T

09. Merin Jose

10. Nimmy C J

11. Sunena P M

12. Kesavan E

13. Sreejith M P

14. Muhamed Riyas

15. Suchitra s

16. Soumya K N

17. Ranjith Sankar

18. Preeth C P

19. Joseph Don

20. Cibin Louis

21. Rakesh P

22. Hrishi k

23. Rixon Paul

24. Kadershah Muhamed

25. Gopakumar C V

26. Deepa K

27. Niju E S

28. Aparna Vijay

29. Aswathy T A

30. Steffi Lazar

31. Rini P J


(2008 admissions)

01. Girija

02. Jinesh P

03. Amala P K

04. Viji Vincent

05. Leena K V

06. Jeswin Saju