Events June 2014 - May 2015

Events June 2013 - May 2014 >>

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Seminar on Engineering education through Kerala Technological University

(23 May 2015)

A seminar on “Engineering Education – Through Kerala Technological University ” was held at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur on Saturday, May 23, 2015. The seminar was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of the function, Dr. M. Abdul Rahman, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Kerala Technological University and was attended by aspiring students and their parents.

Shri. Santhosh Kurup, CEO, ICT Academy of Kerala was the Guest of Honour.

Dr. M. Abdul Rahman provided an overview of the benefits envisaged under KTU which includes - choice based credit system, practical orientation, project based learning, and adherence to time bound academic calendar. He also highlighted the roadmap for the autonomy that is being provided to educational institutes beginning with PG courses. Shri. Santhosh Kurup spoke about the necessity to build industry awareness along with the subject knowledge and in building various life skills to improve the employability of the engineering graduates.

The seminar was presided by Dr. Sudha Balagopalan, Principal, and Er. G. Mohanachandran, Executive Director, VICT. Shri. TB Ramachandran, VICT welcomed the gathering and Shri. Paul Chakola, Placement Director spoke during the seminar.

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Vidya Academy of Science and Technology provisionally affiliated to Kerala Technological University

(22 May 2015)

The newly formed Kerala Technological University (KTU) has granted provisional affiliation to the B Tech and the M Tech programs of the College for the academic year 2015-16. The MCA program of the College continues to be under Calicut University until the same is separately affiliated to KTU. It is expected that KTU will start the MCA affiliation process from the academic year 2016-17 onward.

The affiliation order can be accessed here.

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Department closes for study holidays and University Examinations

(13 May 2015)

Officially, the College closed for summer vacation on 30 April 2015. However, the Department of Computer Applications had to continue the regular classes up to 13 May 2015 to full cover all the topics in the syllabus. Accordingly, the department could close for the summer vacation only on 13 May 2015.

Since Calicut University has announced the time-tables of the various examinations, students will be have to spend the holidays preparing for the examinations. Also, classes for the next semester will have to be started immediately after the University examinations. They will virtually be having no summer vacation. What a pity!

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Calicut University announces Time Table of S1 MCA (2014 batch) Examinations

(13 May 2015)

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Calicut University announces Time Table of S3 MCA (2013 batch) Examinations

(08 May 2015)

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S5 MCA students visit Nelliampathy (27 April 2015)

S5 MCA students organised a "Happy Tour" to Nelliyampathy on 27 April 2015. Ms Jisha Jose Panackal, Mr Dijesh P and Mr Sajay K R, faculty members, accompanied the students. Read here what Kerala Tourism has to say about this place.

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Special congratulatory program and valedictory function of ViCA

(20 April 2015)

The Department of Computer Applications organised a special program in the fore-noon of 17 April 2015 to congratulate some of the unique achievers of the Department family. The program also served as the valedictory function of ViCA (the Vidya Computer Applications Association) for the academic year 2014-15. The program was presided over by Dr V N Krishnachandran, Head of Department. Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Principal, participated as the Chief Guest of the occasion and Mr Paul Chakola, Head of T&P Department, participated as a special invitee. Mr Dijesh P, Associate Professor in the Department and Staff-in-Charge of ViCA, welcomed the gathering and Ms Priyanka Mohandas proposed a vote of thanks.

It was a program crowded with many components. Each of these components deserved to be organised as unique programs separately. It was lack of sufficient number of working days that forced the Department to cramp all these components into one program.

The following were the components of the program.

Click here to see more detailed report.

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Calicut University announces Time Table of S5 MCA (2012 batch) Examinations

(16 April 2015)

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An alumna of the Department passes away

(16 April 2015)

Vishnupriya N P

With much sadness and sorrow, and with much regret, we announce the demise of Vishnupriya N P an alumna of the MCA (2011 – 14 batch) class of our Department. She was ailing for some time and was under medical treatment and was hopeful of cure. But God willed otherwise. May her soul rest in peace.

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Yet another harthal in Kerala, this time on 08 April 2015

(08 April 2015)

We have lost count of the number of days on which the College had to remain closed on account of calls for harthals by various political formations.

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ASSYST selects seven of our students for their IT Finishing School Program (ITFSP) followed by placement

(06 April 2015)

Students selected by ASSYST

After a two-stage process involving an aptitude test and an interview, seven students of the S5 MCA batch have been selected by ASSYST International for IT Finishing School Program (ITFSP) followed by placement. The program offers the following two students for the students:

  • They can do their academic projects and training simultaneously with Sprint Technologies Pvt. Ltd. After completing these, they get appointed as Software Trainee with a stipend of Rs.8000 per month for a period of 6 months. After the successful completion of the training, they will be appointed as Software Engineer. The salary will depend on individual performance and will be at par with industry standards.
  • They can join for training after completing all their academic commitments in the College.

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Research paper on anonymization by Jisha Jose Panackal presented in VIT

(06 April 2015)

Ms Jisha Jose Panackal, Associate Professor of Computer Applications, jointly with Dr Anitha S Pillai, Professor, Hindusthan University, Chennai, presented a paper titled "Adaptive Utility-based Anonymization Model: Performance Evaluation on Big Data Sets" in the 2nd International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges (ISBCC'15), organised by Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai Campus, during 12th and 13th March 2015. The paper has been selected for publication in Procedia Computer Science, an online journal being published by Elsevier.

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Third interactive session for S5 MCA students with personnel from industry

(06 April 2015)

The third installment of the interactive session involving S5 MCA students and personnel from industry, was held on 31 March 2015. In this session, Mr. Sarath K S of Kites Software Development Division, Palarivattom, Edappally P.O, Cochin - 682024, interacted with the students.

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Ms Jisha Jose Panackal becomes a Member of the Technical Committee of IEEE SMC Society

(06 Apr 2015)

Ms Jisha Jose Panackal has joined as a Member of the Technical Committee of the Soft Computing Group of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetic Society (IEEE SMC). She was invited to be a Member of the Committe by the Chair of the Committee Mr Ajith Abraham of Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA. The name of Ms Jisha has been listed in the wwebsite of the Society available at

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Wipro selects ten of our students: CRD at Kannur on 20 March 2015

(02 April 2015)

Students selected by Wipro.

M/s Wipro conducted a Campus Recruitment Drive at Don Bosco College, Angadikadavu, Kannur, on 20 March 2015, exclusively for MCA 2015 pass-out batch of students. The drive was to recruit Project Engineers for the company. As many as 29 MCA students of Vidya participated in the drive and 12 of them cleared all tests (GD and Aptitude Test) and appeared for the final HR interview. It was not a cakewalk for the students with participants coming even from colleges in Mysore. The students had hired a special vehicle to travel to Don Bosco College. The students themselves had made all the arrangements for the travel which they did with utmost responsibility and with meticulous attention to detail. However our faculty and staff were constantly monitoring the activities of the students.

Selected students

As many as ten students of Vidya Academy of Science & Technology have been selected for appointment in Wipro. From the available information, it appears that the highest number of students were selected from among Vidya MCA students.

This is for the first time in the history of the Department of Computer Applications that MCA students have got placed in Wipro, and that too in such good numbers. To the best of our knowledge, this is also for the first time in the history of the College that such large number of Vidya students have got placed in Wipro.

Congratulations to the selected students and thanks to the T&P team for their efforts. Special thanks to the faculty who motivated, prompted and pushed the students to participate in the CRD at such a far away place as Kannur.

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Belated recognition: Our students were First and Third Toppers in 2011

(26 March 2015)

Veena N V

First Topper

MCA 2008 - 11 Batch

Uma Nrayanan D

Third Topper

MCA 2008 - 11 Batch

The University First and Third Toppers in the MCA Examination November/December 2011 were students of our College.

    • Ms Veena N V of the MCA 2008-2011 batch was the First Topper with 84.65% marks.
    • Ms Uma Narayanan D of the same batch was the Third Topper with 83.80% marks.

This information was obtained from the Public Information Officer, University of Calicut, as a response to a request filed under the Right to Information Act by Dr V N Krishnachandran, Head of Department of Computer Applications.

On this occasion it may be recalled that our students were the First Toppers in the MCA Examinations in 2012 and 2013 also.

Click here to see the letter from The Public Relations Officer, University of Calicut.

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Yet another Harthal in Thrissur District

(25 March 2015)

Normal work in College was severely affected on 25 March 2015 as a consequence of a call for Harthal in Thrissur District by a small political party. Even though the party is apparently having little influence among the general population, most of the students could not reach College because of most of the College buses skipped their regular services fearing law and order problems. The Department of Computer Applications was also affected by the Harthal.

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Seminar by experts from YADA Business Solutions, Cochin

(24 March 2015)

In an effort to provide the final semester students of the Department occasions to interact with personnel from industry, the Department has been organising technical talks by experts from selected software companies on a regular basis. These interactive sessions are also intended to help the students in selecting the best possible themes for their final semester projects and to identify possible locations where they can pursue work relating to their projects. The second such interactive session of the current academic year was held on 24 March 2015. In this session, experts from YADA Business Solutions, Cochin, shared their views and experiences with the students. The hour-long programme was held in an informal ambiance in a class room of the Department during the after-noon session of the day.

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Participation in Campus Connect Faculty Enablement Program of Infosys Limited

(20 March 2015)

Ms Aparna S Balan and Ms Salkala K S, Assistant Professors in the Department, participated in a three-day Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program(DDFEP) on Foundation Program 4.0 conducted by Infosys Limited at Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre, Pambady, during 16-18 march 2015. The program was part of the Campus Connect initiative of Infosys Limited.

For more information about Campus Connect Foundation Program 4.0, click here.

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Google Sites Workshop for BTech/MTech students held (13 March 2015)

Click here to see more images.

Click here to see list of participants.

Click here to view the study material used in the Workshop.

The second installment of the One-Day Workshop on Web-designing Using Google Sites, organized jointly by the Department of Computer Applications, ISTE (VAST Chapter) and CSI (VAST Student Branch) was held in the Computer Lab of the Department on 13 March 2015. This installment of the workshop was targeted at the BTech and MTech students of the College. A total of 53 students attended the Workshop of whom 20 students were from the ECE Department and the remaining students from the CSE Department. (The first installment of the Workshop, targeted at MCA students exclusively, was held on 27 February 2015.) There was no formal inaugural ceremony. Dr V N Krishnachandran, head of Department of Computer Applications explained the purpose of the workshop and also the methodology of the workshop. Dr Krishnachandran also acted as one of the resource persons for the Workshop. He was ably assisted by Ms Siji K B and Ms Salkala KS, Assistant Professors in the Department. At the end of the workshop every participant was awarded a certificate of participation.

Ms Reyma Joy, S2 MTech, proposed a vote of thanks.

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S5 MCA students, faculty and staff in charity work (10 Mar 2015)

To see more images, click here.

As part of the annual charitable activity of the Department of Computer Applications, this academic year, S5 MCA students, faculty and staff of the Department visited Snehalaya, a refuge for destitute persons located at Kumaranellore in Palakkad District. A few representative students from S3 MCA and S1 MCA classes also joined in the activities. The team left the college in a college bus at about 9.30 am and returned at 01.30 pm. Using the money collected from among themselves, the students donated substantial quantities of essential items like rice, sugar, coconut oil, washing and toilet soap etc. to the institute. The students, faculty and staff spent some time with the inmates and created a happy environment to the inmates. Though apparently most of the inmates had under-developed or damaged brain functioning, it appeared that they savored every moment of the students' presence amongst them.

Snehalaya is a relatively small such home having only 23 adult male inmates and 3 or 4 persons to look after them. However, it is a unit of a chain of such institutions spread over different parts of India managed by Ashraya Charitable Society an organization with head-quarters at Kottarakkara started in 1994.

These visits always reminded each and every member of the team of how fortunate he/she was.

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National Safety Day observed in College and in Department

(04 Mar 2015)

Every year, 4th March is observed as National Safety Day in India. As part of the observance of the Day, a safety Pledge was administered to all students and staff of the College at 11.00 am on 04 March 2015. The pledge was administered to students in the class rooms and to staff in the main portico of the Main Block of the College. A Safety Manual was also released on the occasion. The College is observing the Safety Day for the first time in the history of the College.

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Classes suspended on 02 March 2015: Harthal in Thrissur District

Regular class work in College was suspended on 02 March 2015 due to the call for a District-wide harthal by the political formation of LDF. However it has been decided to compensate the classes lost by working on 07 March 2015 (Saturday).

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2 nd Manappuram Vidya Football Tournament inaugurated

(28 Feb 2015)

(Click on image to see a larger picture.)This is a College level event.

Er K R Brahmadathan Memorial Manappuram-Vidya All India Inter-Collegiate/University Football Tournament 2015 was inaugurated in the Thrissur Corporation Stadium at 5.30 pm on 28 February 2015. Dignitaries of VICT, officials of Manappuram Finance, and a few faculty members and staff of Vidya Academy of Science & Technology witnessed the inaugural ceremony. The inaugural match was between Sri Krishna College, Guruvayur and M A College, Kothamangalam.

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Ms Reji C Joy, Associate Professor, presented a research paper

(27 Feb 2015)

Ms Reji C Joy, Associate Professor in the Department, presented a paper titled "Fingerprint Image Segmentation Using Gradient Mask and Morphological Operations" in the National Conference on Advanced Technology in Computer Science and Communications 2015 (NATC2 2k15) organised by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MET'S School of Engineering, Mala, Thrissur, during 26-27 February 2015.

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Google sites Workshop for MCA students held

(27 Feb 2015)

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Separate workshops on Google Sites for MCA and BTech/MTech students

(21 Feb 2015)

In a staff meeting held on 21 February 2015, it has been decided to organise two separate workshops on Google Sites, one targeting the BTech/MTech students of the College and a second one exclusively for the MCA students. The meeting also formulated a tentative plan for the workshops:

The Department of Computer Applications organised on 27 February 2015 the first of the two proposed workshops on Google Sites. The Workshop was targeted at the MCA students. Students of S3 MCA and S1 MCA classes attended the Workshop. The sessions of Workshop, held during the AN session of the day, was handled by Ms Siji K B and Ms Salkala K S, Assistant Professors in the Department.

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Yet another charity by First Masters of Vidya

(20 Feb 2015)

Neethu K J

Inspired by the charitable activities of her classmates, Ms Neethu K J, a student of the first batch (2006-09) of MCA of our College wanted join these activities. She contacted Ms Salkala K S, Assistant Professor of the Department, and expressed her desire to support the family of Ms Alphonsa, a former house-keeping staff of the College. She donated an amount of Rs.2000/- for the purpose.

On 21 Feb 2012, a team of faculty members, including the Head, of the Computer Applications Department visited Ms Alphonsa at her home and handed her the money.

Ms Neethu K J is now a housewife and living with her husband in Australia. The Department is definitely proud of such alumnus.

Details of x number of events to be added.

My god! Ha ha ha . . .


ViCA activities inaugurated

(26 Sep 2014)


MCA Bridge Course 2014 inaugurated

(22 Sep 2014)