2008 Admissions




3 hours per week

Each student shall prepare and present a paper on any topic in the field of computer science.

Sessional work assessment

Presentation = 30

Report = 20

Total marks = 50

General instructions


    • As part of the seminar, each student individually has to prepare and present a paper in the field of computer science.
    • The paper carries a total of 50 marks as Internal Assessment (Sessional) Marks. The presentation and reports will be evaluated by a team of faculty members.
    • Each student has to submit a list of three topics on which he/she would like to present the seminar. The format for the submission of the list of topics is given below.
    • The faculty members in charge of the seminar will scrutinize the lists of topics. They will select one of the topics and assign it to the student for presentation. The selection will be based on the novelty and importance of the topic. Care will also be taken to see that as many areas of computer science and applications as possible are covered during the seminars. The main ideas and content of a seminar should not be identical to the contents of any of the seminars presented by the senior students.
    • Draft report: All students have to submit a draft of the paper that is going to be presented one day before the day of presentation. The expected size of the draft is about 20-25 pages printed on A4 paper. The draft is to be a written record of the presentation. The draft must include a two-page synopsis also. The draft may be prepared in any format using any word-processor.
    • Seminar schedule Four students will be required to present their papers in a session. All students are expected to remain prepared for conducting the seminar at short notice. The students who are to give presentations in a particular session will be decided by taking lots one week before the session.
    • Final report A final corrected and properly bound seminar report has to be submitted on or before 30 March 2011. The final corrected report has to be prepared using LaTeX software. The students may contact their respective Guides for advise regarding the use of this software. A PDF version of the final report has to be emailed to the respective Guides. Help on LaTeX is available here.
    • All of the following factors will be considered during the evaluation of the seminar:
      • Novelty of topic
      • Depth of knowledge of the presenter
      • Style of presentation
      • Communication skill
      • Quality of audio-visual support (slides, charts, etc)
      • Number of questions and responses to questions raised by the members of the audience.
      • Quality of the final report.
      • Punctuality in submitting the reports
      • General attitude of the student to the seminar
    • All students are requested to fully co-operate with the teachers in the smooth conduct of the seminar. The seminars can be completed as per the schedule only if the schedule is strictly followed. Hence a date once assigned to a student will be final. Requests for changes in dates will not be entertained. If a student has personal problems in presenting the seminar on a pre-assigned date, he/she would have to swap his/her date with the date assigned to one of his/her friends. Students will themselves be required to make the swapping arrangements. If any of the days mentioned in the schedules below turned out to be a holiday, the next working day would be treated as the corresponding day.

Guidelines for awarding marks


Download format for evaluation of presentation

Download format for evaluation of Seminar (Presentation and Report together)

Part A : Seminar Presentation

Part B Seminar Report

Format for submitting seminar topics


Download format


Format for submission of list of topics

1. Name :…………………………………………………...........

2. Roll No. :…………………………………………………........

3. University Exam. Reg. No. :………………………………….

4. List of topics (in order of preference):

Signature of student: …………………………….......


To be filled by the Seminar Guide:

Topic allotted :……………………………………………………………………

Name of Guide:..................................................................................

Signature of Guide :…………………………...........................................

Schedule I : Important dates


Schedule II : List of seminar guides


Schedule III : Schedule of presentations


Schedule IV : List of Seminar Topics


Help and tutorials on LaTeX.


The "Help and Tutorials on LaTeX" page contains detailed instructions for preparing the SEminar Report using LaTeX. Visit the page for more details. To The page can be accessed from here.

Lists of seminar topics of previous batches


