Mini-projects for S4 MCA (2009 admissions)

Not a statutory requirement!

As per the syllabi and regulations of Calicut University applicable to students admitted in the year 2009, doing a mini-project is not a statutory requirement for the MCA students admitted in the year 2009. It was thought that helping the MCA students admitted in the year 2009 to complete a mini-project would equip them to complete their final sixth semester project much more comfortably. The idea was put forward by Mr Sajay K R, Assistant Professor in the Department. The Department whole-heartedly welcomed the idea and gave all support for its implementation. Mr Sajay also volunteered to take full responsibility for turning the idea into a reality.

The Department of Computer Applications greatly appreciates the initiative of Mr Sajay.

The web-team is indebted to Mr Sajay for sharing the formats of various documents to be used in the execution of the mini-projects.

From the year 2010 onwards, however, as per the revised syllabi and regulations, completing a mini-project is a compulsory paper (MCA10 406(P) Mini Project) of the MCA course of Calicut University .

  • Mini-projects titles >>
  • Format for Mini-project Proposal >>
  • Schedule of various activities >>
  • Format of Analysis Phase Report >>
  • Format of Design Phase Report >>
  • Format of Implementation & Testing Phase Report >>
  • Format of final Mini-project Report >>