
The Parent-Teacher Association is an organization that connects the parents of current students to the larger 'Vidya Community' comprising of the students, staff, alumni, management, well-wishers and to campus news, events, and each other. Parents are encouraged to visit the College frequently, interact with the faculty and staff and to inquire about the progress and performance of their wards. The faculty and staff always look forward to creative suggestions for further bettering the services provided by the Department and the College.

A highlight of the activities of the Association in the Department of Computer Applications is an annual meeting of all parents in July-August every year.

PTA Meetings 2013 (see below)

S4 MCA (2011 Admissions) 21 August 2013

S2 MCA (2012 Admissions) 23 August 2013

PTA Meetings 2012 (click here)

S4 MCA (2010 Admissions) 05 October 2012

S2 MCA (2011 Admissions) 14 September 2012

PTA Meetings 2011 (click here)

S4 MCA (2009 admissions) 05 August 2011

S2 MCA (2010 admissions) 16 September 2011

Class PTA Meeting of S4 MCA (2011 Admissions) 21 August 2013

Report and photos will be uploaded soon.

Class PTA Meeting of S2 MCA (2012 Admissions) 23 August 2013