09 - September

How the Pandemic Defeated America, the Atlantic, 2020-09

Det er i krisesituasjoner presset mot rettsstaten er størst, Uniforum, 2020-09-01

Peter Singer and Joanna Masel: How (Not) to Fight COVID-19, Project Syndicate, 2020-09-03

Finansoligarkiet og sjokkdoktrinen. Koronakrisa i et klasseperspektiv., Steigan, 2020-09-05

Antallet smitta og døde kan ikke forsvare alle tiltaka, Politikus (Stein Ove Berg), 2020-09-05

How Likely is a Second wave?, Lockdown Sceptics, 2020-09-07

‘Died from’ or ‘died with’ COVID-19? We need a transparent approach to counting coronavirus deaths, the Conversation, 2020-09-09

America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral, the Atlantic, 2020-09-09

Nei, Erna Solberg, situasjonen er slett ikke dramatisk, Steigan, 2020-09-11

The cure is worse than the disease: Dr JOHN LEE argues that the coronavirus lockdown could cause more long-term harm than the illness itself, Mail Online, 2020-09-13

‘Follow the Science’ Isn’t a Covid-19 Strategy, Asharq Al-Awsat, 2020-09-13

Jan Gindrup: La oss slutte med ko-van-vid19!, Politikus, 2020-09-14

Statistics, lies and the virus: five lessons from a pandemic, Tim Harford, 2020-09-17

Is lockdown worth the pain? No, it’s a sledgehammer and we have better options, the Conversation, 2020-09-17

Covid-19: The Great Reset – Revisited. Scary Threats, Rewards for Obedience…, Peter Koenig in Global Research, 2020-09-17

Nedstenginga i Norge meningsløs, Steigan, 2020-09-20

Blaming China won't solve America's problems, China Daily, 2020-09-24

These Forbes 400 Billionaires Made Their Fortunes in Healthcare, Medpage Today, 2020-09-24

Vandana Shiva: The Pandemic Is a Consequence of the War Against Life, In These Times, 2020-09-27