Uke 12 (16.-22.mars)

COVID test debacle: ‘We hoped it would go away before it reached us’, the Harvard Gazette, 2020-03-16

More Chinese provinces cleared of COVID-19 cases, XinhuaNet, 2020-03-16

Remember the Last Global Pandemic?, Asharq Al-Awsat, 2020-03-16

Mother Nature and globalization to blame for Covid-19 crisis, Asia News, 2020-03-16

Coronavirus economic fallout won’t be ‘done with by June’, Harvard Gazette, 2020-03-16

Dr. Tom Frieden on 19 Critical Data Gaps Limiting our Effectiveness Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dr. Tom Frieden, 2020-03-16

Donald Trumps presidentskap bør ikke overleve koronapandemien, Christina Pletten i Aftenposten, 2020-03-16

Chinese car maker BYD starts engine on mask production, ChinaDaily, 2020-03-16

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 16 March 2020, WHO, 2020-03-16

Koronasmittede friskner raskt til igjen, Adressa, 2020-03-17

COVID-19: Imperial researchers model likely impact of public health measures, Imperial College London, 2020-03-17

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data, STAT News, 2020-03-17

Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse: Da Norge stengte, Panorama, 2020-03-17, Asia Times, 2020-03-17

Rotors spinning for 'helicopter money', Reuters, 2020-03-17

Pandemics: The State As Cure or Cause?, C4SS, 2020-03-17

How does coronavirus kill?, the Conversation, 2020-03-17

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data, STAT, 2020-03-17

Telenor punger ut 12 milliarder i utbytte midt under korona-krisa, Fri Fagbevegelse, 2020-03-18

Mads Gilbert og Bjørg Marit Andersen: Sosial isolasjon må iverksettes nå, Dagbladet, 2020-04-18

Torbjørn Røe Isaksen er corona-smittet – var på regjeringsmøte mandag, VG, 2020-03-18

Jack Ma Foundation Shares Coronavirus-Prevention Handbook, Alizila, 2020-03-18

China's fight against COVID-19, by the numbers, China Daily, 2020-03-18

«Kapitaleierne har lang tradisjon for å utnytte kriser til sin fordel», skriver Magnus Marsdal, Fri Fagbevegelse, 2020-03-18

‘There will be cascading failures that get fixed on the fly’, Harvard Gazette, 2020-03-18

The Three Essential Questions about COVID-19, Project Syndicate, 2020-03-18

Dagbladets koronakart er ulovlig!, Tversover, 2020-03-18

Tiltak for å redde liv må settes inn der det kaster mest av seg, Olaf Olaussen, Universitetsavisa, 2020-03-19

Stenger toaletter som koronatiltak: Sjåfører må gå på do bak bilen, NRK, 2020-03-19

ISS Report: 99% of Covid19 Deaths had Pre-existing Serious Illness, OffGuardian, 2020-03-19

Coronavirus sends class home — Estonia's ready, Germany lags, DW, 2020-03-19

Coronavirus breakthrough: First 3D protein map paves way for vaccine design, CNet, 2020-03-19

Nødvendige endringer i koronaloven, Panorama, 2020-03-19

Corona Virus Case Fatality Rate, Towards a Better Society, 2020-03-19

Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?, New York Times, 2020-03-20

Japan was expecting a coronavirus explosion. Where is it?, Japan Times, 2020-03-20

Corona confusion: How to make sense of the numbers and terminology, DW, 2020-03-20

Coronavirus Vaccines: Five Key Questions as Trials Begin, Scientific American, 2020-03-20

Noen tanker om korona og beredskap, Erik Plahte i Steigan, 2020-03-20

In one Italian town, we showed mass testing could eradicate the coronavirus,the Guardian, 2020-03-20

The Tip of the Iceberg: Virologist David Ho (BS '74) Speaks About COVID-19,Caltech News, 2020-03-20

Her kan en klem i koronatid gi to år i fengsel, NRK, 2020-03-20

WHO-rådgiver: Hytteforbudet er bare tull, NRK, 2020-03-21

Corona: an epidemic of mass panic, Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime, 2020-03-21

TCM Plays Big Role in Fighting COVID-19, China Daily, 2020-03-21

Coronavirus Crackdown – Beware “the new normal”, OffGuardian, 2020-03-21

Vi må velge mellom slokking eller skadebegrensning, Dag Svanæs i VG, 2020-03-21

Coronavirus and the Return to the 'Cave', Asharq Al-Awsat. 2020-03-21

Randi (86): – De fleste av oss vil overleve også denne pandemien, ABCNyheter, 2020-03-22

Coronavirus Bill slashes safeguards in death registration, OffGuardian, 2020-03-22

Where did coronavirus come from? How long does it last on surfaces? Your questions answered, DW, 2020-03-22

Coronaviruset – hva vet vi så langt?, Steigan, 2020-03-22