02 - februar

Den største krisa i kapitalismens historie – kamuflert som ei helsekrise, Steigan, 2021-02-07

Ian Birrell: The WHO’s Covid shame, Unherd, 2021-02-10

Den moderne verden er redd for å dø, Steigan, 2021-02-23

Pengetrykking på steroider. USAs liksomøkonomi slår alle rekorder., Steigan, 2021-02-23

- Jeg stusset da jeg så 15 andre e-post-adresser, Adressa, 2021-02-23

105-year-old who recovered from COVID-19 credits gin-soaked raisins for breakfast, The Hill, 2021-02-23

The billions spent by the UK government on fighting Covid need proper scrutiny, the Guardian, 2021-02-23

‘Held to ransom’: Pfizer demands governments gamble with state assets to secure vaccine deal, STAT News, 2021-02-23 (TBIJ)

After Billions of Dollars and Dozens of Wartime Declarations, Why Are Vaccines Still in Short Supply?, Kaiser Health News, 2021-02-23

Kary Mullis, Cancel Culture and Covid 19, YouTube, 2021-02-23

Poleszynski: – Dette gjør jeg for å unngå virus!, hemali, 2021-02-24

Europarådet: Ikke lov med obligatoriske vaksiner eller diskriminering av uvaksinerte, NinaCappelen, 2021-02-24

One shot or two? Japan weighs question as vaccine rollout stalls amid shortages, Japan Times,2021-02-24

Tillitsvalgt på St. Olav: - Det er ikke nok vaksiner til helsepersonell, Adressa, 2021-02-25

Multivariant av koronaviruset påvist i Trondheim, NRK, 2021-02-25

CDC estimated a one-year decline in life expectancy in 2020. Not so — try five days, STAT News, 2021-02-25

To fullvaksinerte smittet i Oslo – milde symptomer kan tyde på beskyttelse, ABC Nyheter, 2021-02-25

Sykehus slo alarm etter nye karanteneregler: «Kan gå utover liv og helse», Aftenposten, 2021-02-26

Norge har kjøpt inn doser av ny coronamedisin, VG, 2021-02-26

COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink, Frontiers in Public Health, 2021-02-26

Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: Why “new cases” are plummeting., Off-Guardian, 2021-02-26

Korona-tsar Guldvog vil ha nye overgrep mot skolebarn, Steigan, 2021-02-28

Er rettsstaten Norge i fare?, Nordnorsk debatt, 2021-02-28

Vaxhole, Urban Dictionary, 2021-02-28

Estimating the COVID-19 R number: a bargain with the devil?, the Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2021-02

Concerns and motivations about COVID-19 vaccination, the Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2021-02

RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2: quantitative versus qualitative, the Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2021-02

Ratio, rate, or risk?, the Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2021-02

Massevaksinering til besvær?, Adressa, 2021-02-01

Exclusive: Oxford kept COVID-19 vaccine trial volunteers in dark about dosing error, letter shows, Reuters, 2021-02-01

Vaksinene kan holde tritt med SARS-CoV-2-mutasjonene, Tidsskriftet, 2021-02-01

Transmission of COVID-19 in 282 clusters in Catalonia, Spain: a cohort study, the Lancet, 2021-02-02

Misbruk av føre-var-prinsippet, NRK, 2021-02-03

We are in the middle of an information war, Medium - Aya Velázquez, 2021-02-03

Danish scientists see tough times ahead as they watch more contagious COVID-19 virus surge, Science, 2021-02-03

With a seductive number, AstraZeneca study fueled hopes that eclipsed its data, STAT News, 2021-02-03

The coronavirus vaccine divide: In maps and charts, Al Jazeera, 2021-02-04

Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant, BMJ, 2021-02-04

When will life return to normal? In 7 years at today's vaccine rates, Financial Post, 2021-02-04

Countdown to 'catastrophe:' Inside Europe's fight for COVID shots, Reuters, 2021-02-05

In prevention lies the cure: Thoughts on China's fight against COVID-19, China Daily, 2021-02-05

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine, Off-Guardian, 2021-02-15

One year after the Diamond Princess outbreak, COVID-19 lessons still to be learned, Japan Times, 2021-02-05

Helse-Norge vasser i penger etter koronaen, NRK, 2021-02-05

Sju av ti mener Norge var dårlig forberedt til å håndtere en pandemi, ABCNyheter, 2021-02-05

Lockdown bambino bust: 9 months on, Italian births fall 22 percent, Reuters, 2021-02-05

Covid-19 svekker demokratiforsvaret, Stavanger Aftenblad, 2021-02-06

Sykehusledere: – Vi er verre stilt enn i mars, ABCNyheter, 2021-02-06

Politistaten har kommet. Folk som ikke bruker munnbind på butikken, får politiet på døren., Steigan, 2021-02-06

India's expert panel rejects Pfizer's application for Covid-19 vaccine, Business Standard, 2021-02-06

Den største krisa i kapitalismens historie – kamuflert som ei helsekrise, Steigan, 2021-02-07

Mente det gikk for tregt hos FHI – på få dager har sykehuset oppdaget 70 mutasjoner, NRK, 2021-02-07

Suicides in Japan dropped for a decade. Then the pandemic hit., Japan Times, 2021-02-07

Krigere, pandemier og vaksiner, Geir Hem, 2021-02-07

World’s immunity growth against COVID-19 may lead to normal life in August — Kremlin, TASS, 2021-02-08

The "Great Reset" - a conspiracy against humanity, Russtrat, 2021-02-08

The shaky science behind the “deadly new strains” of Sars-Cov-2, Off-Guardian, 2021-02-08

GLOBALink | U.S. to deploy more than 1,000 troops to boost COVID-19 vaccination efforts, YouTube, 2021-02-09

Hvorfor kaller vi dem vaksiner?, hemali, 2021-02-09

– 2020 ble et veldig dårlig år for demokratiet, Steigan, 2021-02-09

FHI innrømmer feil i rapport: Professor frykter alvorlige konsekvenser for unge, VG, 2021-02-09

Meldinger om mulige bivirkninger etter koronavaksine per 9. februar 2021, FHI, 2021-02-09

Nødvendig å være så streng når smitten er så lav?, Trygve Lundemo i Adressa, 2021-02-10

South Africa scraps AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, Al Jazeera, 2021-02-10

COVID maths: All the virus in the world would fit in a coke can, Thomson Reuters, 2021-02-10

‘Frankly wrong’: WHO official derides US intelligence on COVID, Al Jazeera, 2021-02-10

What you need to know about AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, DW, 2021-02-11

Tackling the COVID Hunger Crisis, Project Syndicate, 2021-02-11

Koronakrisa smadrer middelklassen, Steigan, 2021-02-12

The New Normal requires a NEW Response, Off-Guardian, 2021-02-12

How to make COVID vaccines more effective: give people vitamin and mineral supplements, the Conversation, 2021-02-12

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and the Coronavirus Vaccines, Science Translational Medicine, 2021-02-12

FOCUS-BioNTech, Moderna shore up supplies of key COVID-19 vaccine ingredients, Reuters, 2021-02-12

Over 200.000 arbeidsløse i Norge. Verst for arbeidere i privat sektor., Steigan, 2021-02-13

Working from home: Too much of a good thing, VoxEU, 2021-02-13

Urgent needs of low-income and middle-income countries for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics, the Lancet, 2021-02-13…19

Vil nekte kommunane å innføre strenge smitteverntiltak under valet, NRK, 2021-02-14

Leopoldo Salmaso: Covid vaccines & the Bumblebee Paradox, Tlaxcala, 2021-02-14

Derfor blir nesten ingen vaksinert på mandager og fredager, NRK, 2021-02-15

Få studentene tilbake på campus. De har lidd nok!, Khrono, 2021-02-15

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine, Off-Guardian, 2021-02-15

The coronavirus is here to stay — here’s what that means, Nature, 2021-02-16

Psykisk vold og regeringens krænkelser af folket, Free Observer, 2021-02-16

Dag Bratlid: Misvisende om smittetall, Kort sagt, Aftenposten, 2021-02-16

Hemmeligholder forklaringene til de som styrer Korona-Norge, NRK, 2021-02-17

Meldinger om mulige bivirkninger etter koronavaksine per 16. februar 2021, Statens legemiddelverk,


Superdatamaskiner skal beregne vaksineeffekt, Forskning.no, 2021-02-19

More than 5 million Turks received COVID-19 vaccination: Ministry, Daily Sabah, 2021-02-18

The Modelling-paper Mafiosi, Off-Guardian, 2021-02-18

De rette verdiene, Midt i Fleisen, 2021-02-18

Massevaksinerte sykehusansatte – sykefravær ble bivirkningen, NRK, 2021-02-19

Sveriges dödstal bland de lägre i Europa, Omni (TT), 2021-02-19

Professor mener koronatiltakene er for strenge, TV2, 2021-02-19

Nursing Home Industry Avoids Scrutiny For Covid-19 Deaths as Powerful Lobby Goes to Work, the Intercept, 2021-02-20

Coronavirus vaccine: Did Pfizer put profit first?, DW, 2021-02-21

Bekymringsmelding, NRK, 2021-02-22

Turkey surpasses European countries in COVID-19 vaccinations, Daily Sabah, 2021-02-22

Catching COVID from surfaces is very unlikely. So perhaps we can ease up on the disinfecting, the Conversation, 2021-02-22