Mai 2022

Karantenehotell: - Visste det var kokos, Dagbladet, 2022-05-04

Hans Petter Graver: Var corona-restriksjonene unødvendige?, VG, 2022-05-04

Face masking and COVID-19: potential effects of variolation on transmission dynamics, Royal Society Interface, 2022-05-04

Face masking and COVID-19: potential effects of variolation on transmission dynamics, Royal Society Interface, 2022-05-04

Sarah Westall: 80,000 Pfizer Document Dump Illustrates Criminal Intent to Harm – Here are some Details, 2022-05-05

New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save, Steve Kirsch, 2022-05-05

Lege Peter Dvergsdal risikerer å miste lisensen, heMaLi, 2022-05-07

Pfizers kriminelle hensikter dokumenteres skritt for skritt, Steigan, 2022-05-09

80 barn kan ha fått alvorlige bivirkninger av koronavaksine, NRK, 2022-05-09

Transmission of infectious SARS-CoV-2 via fomites is possible but unlikely to occur in real-life scenarios, study concludes, News-Medical Sciences, 2022-05-09

Dismissing Reality, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-05-09

NATO Secretary General infected with coronavirus, TXTReport, 2022-05-10

US gun deaths soared in 2020 amid pandemic: CDC, Digital Journal, 2022-05-11

World first: Belgian researchers discover way to block coronavirus, Brussels Times, 2022-05-11

Nye data fra britiske myndigheter viser at COVID-vaksinene dreper flere mennesker enn de redder, Steigan, 2022-05-11

Global COVID Summit Declaration IV, Who is Thomas Malone, 2022-05-12

Is the Era of ‘Test, Test, Test’ Now Done, Done, Done?, theWire, 2022-05-13

Comparing covid in Eastern and Western Europe: Geographical differences more significant than differences in vaccinations, HART, 2022-05-13

Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-05-14

Ukjent toppmøte om AstraZeneca: Norge ble kalt inn på teppet, VG, 2022-05-14

Jan Terje Voilaas: Er Corona-perioden endelig over?, Steigan, 2022-05-14

Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2022-05-17

WHO Stealth Coup to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma, William Engdahl, 2022-05-18

“Case Numbers Don’t Matter”—and Other Fatal Covid Fallacies, the Nation, 2022-05-19

Apekopper påvist i Sverige: – Må regne med at det kommer tilfeller i Norge, NRK, 2022-05-19

FHI er overrasket etter utbrudd av sjelden virussykdom: - Dette er helt nytt for oss, Nettavisen, 2022-05-19

Government and WHO CORONA Lies, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-05-20

Rodney E. Rohde: What is monkeypox? A microbiologist explains what’s known about this smallpox cousin, the Conversation, 2022-05-20

Monkey Pox, This is Robert Malone, 2022-05-21

FHI har startet smittesporing etter apekopper i Oslo, Adressa, 2022-05-21

Ole-John Saga: Hvorfor har FHI et vaksinelager mot apekopper?, Steigan, 2022-05-22

‘Urgency’: WHO expects more monkeypox cases globally, Al Jazeera, 2022-05-22

Where Death Rates Rose the Most During the Pandemic, New York Times, 2022-05-23

Thore K. Aalberg: Medstrømsmedia på gli?, Steigan, 2022-05-24

Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination, NZDSOS, 2022-05-24

The unintended consequences of COVID-19 vaccine policy: why mandates, passports and restrictions may cause more harm than good, BMJ Global Health, 2022-05-26

WHO-traktaten er knyttet til et globalt digitalt pass og ID-system, Steigan, 2022-05-26

Mennesker er ikke korrupte, men de blir korrupte fordi de lar seg korrumpere, HeMaLi, 2022-05-30

WHO tvunget til en ydmykende retrett, Steigan, 2022-05-31

Pål-Henrik Hagen: Smitteverntiltakene var ikke bare unødvendige, de gjorde betydelig skade, Subjekt, 2022-05-31