Big Brother - Autocracy

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Inside Dominic Cummings’s coronavirus meeting with big tech, Wired, 2020-03-12

Nødvendige endringer i koronaloven, Morten Walløe Tvedt i Panorama, 2020-03-19

Østfold-kommune setter inn «avstands-politi», Aftenposten, 2020-03-26

Palantir, a data firm loved by spooks, teams up with Britain’s health service, the Economist, 2020-03-26

Redd for Korona? Anmeld naboens barn, Agenda Magasin, 2020-03-24

Slik skal mobilovervåking stoppe epidemien. Ny app sporer alle du møter en måned tilbake i tid, Aftenposten, 2020-03-28

Peter Hitchens: We Love Big Brother, First Things, 2020-04-01

Police enforcement measures to control social disorder in the midst of COVID-19, OUPBlog, 2020-04-01

The world is sleepwalking into a surveillance state during the coronavirus crisis as countries bring in extensive digital snooping, rights groups warn, Mail Online, 2020-04-02

World risks permanent surveillance with coronavirus controls, DW, 2020-04-03

Our liberty and prosperity are in peril if COVID-19 triggers an arms race of compassion, Sydney Morning Herald, 2020-04-04

Før overvåket de i det skjulte. I koronatiden skryter myndighetene av hvor mye de vet om deg, Aftenposten, 2020-04-06

We Mapped How the Coronavirus Is Driving New Surveillance Programs Around the World, OneZero, 2020-04-09

Apple, Google to create contact tracing technology to fight coronavirus spread, Reuters, 2020-04-10

Snowden Warns Governments Are Using Coronavirus to Build 'the Architecture of Oppression', Vice News, 2020-04-10

UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response, the Guardian, 2020-04-12

NHS coronavirus app: memo discussed giving ministers power to 'de-anonymise' users, the Guardian, 2020-04-13

Brave New Normal, OffGuardian, 2020-04-15

«25 under 25» om Smittestopp-appen: «Folkehelseinstituttet ser deg», VG, 2020-04-16

Før du laster ned korona-appen, Argument Agder, 2020-04-17

Vi går som søvngjengere inn i overvåkingssamfunnet, Steigan, 2020-04-17

Personvernråd i EU mener norsk app bryter med viktig personvernprinsipp, NRK Beta, 2020-04-18

Så enkelt er det å forfalske SMS-er fra Smittestopp, NRK Beta, 2020-04-20

Joint Statement on Contact Tracing, CISPA, 2020-04-20

HVL-lektor til studenter om Smittestopp-app: «Mye farligere enn Covid-19-viruset», Khrono, 2020-04-21

Yuval Noah Harari on COVID-19: 'The biggest danger is not the virus itself', DW, 2020-04-22

The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism, OffGuardian, 2020-04-23

E-tjenesten får drive med masselagring av metadata, Steigan, 2020-04-23

Kryptologiprofessor tror «Smittestopp» blir permanent, Universitetsavisa, 2020-04-23

Det som er gratis koster oss mest, Argument, 2020-04-26

Coronavirus tracking apps: How are countries monitoring infections?, DW, 2020-04-27

Herfra til politistaten på 100 dager, Steigan, 2020-04-27

Tech Giants Are Using This Crisis to Colonize the Welfare System, Jacobin, 2020-04-27

Storbritannia bruker 4000 militære for å dominere befolkningens informasjon, Steigan, 2020-04-29

The Inevitable Coronavirus Censorship Crisis is Here, Matt Taibbi, 2020-04-30

Across the World, the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Become an Invitation to Autocracy, the Wire, 2020-05-03

DW's Freedom of Speech Award honors journalists persecuted for coronavirus reporting, DW, 2020-05-03

Neoliberalism is over – welcome to the era of neo-illiberalism, OpenDemocracy, 2020-05-07

Don’t sacrifice freedom at the altar of safety, Frank Furedi, 2020-05-07

COVID19 and the Left: an Ignored Civil Rights Crisis, OffGuardian, 2020-05-07

Folkehelseinstituttet mener at 16 menneskerettigheter har måttet vike for korona-tiltakene, Steigan, 2020-05-08

Privacy & pandemics – time for constitutional test, Asia Times, 2020-05-09

Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?, OffGuardian, 2020-05-09

COVID19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown, OffGuardian, 2020-05-10

Germany: Catholic chiefs reject cardinals' coronavirus 'conspiracy theories', DW, 2020-05-10

Naomi Klein: How big tech plans to profit from the pandemic, the Guardian, 2020-05-13

Under cover of coronavirus, the world's bad guys are wreaking havoc, the Guardian, 2020-05-15

Study: Coronavirus Has a Been a Massive Boon for America’s Billionaires, MintPress, 2020-05-15

The Price of Covid Freedom May Be Eternal Spying, Asharq Al-Awsat, 2020-05-15

Why the Neoliberals Won’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste, Jacobin, 2020-05-16

Federal Government Buys Riot Gear, Increases Security Funding, Citing Coronavirus Pandemic, the Intercept, 2020-05-17

Dystopian and disturbing: Big Tech censorship lumps together conspiracy loons and proper scientists, Frank Furedi, 2020-05-18

Flere akademikere ut mot smittestopp-appen, Khrono, 2020-05-19

You Don’t Need Invasive Tech for Successful Contact Tracing. Here’s How It Works, ProPublica, 2020-05-19

Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network, Wired, 2020-05-24

De med makt bruker ordet «vi» hele tiden. Det har sine grunner. | Frank Rossavik, Aftenposten, 2020-05-26

Høie utreder portforbud, Dagbladet, 2020-05-27

Amnesty: Norges Smittestopp-app blant de verste i verden på personvern, NRK, 2020-06-16

Facebook using “fact-checkers” to censor dissent on Covid19, OffGuardian, 2020-06-17

The Great Reset Fraud, Strategic Culture, 2020-07-15

Inside the Invasive, Secretive “Bossware” Tracking Workers, EFF, 2020-06-30

Britisk dokument: – Bruk media for å øke følelsen av personlig trussel, Steigan, 2020-07-19

Davos-milliardærene vil ha «Covid-pass», Steigan, 2020-08-02

Pharma is showering Congress with cash, even as drug makers race to fight the coronavirus, STAT News, 2020-08-10

Siste sjanse til å stanse eksperimentelle GMO-vaksiner, Steigan, 2020-08-15

Google og Apple har lagt sporingsapp på alle smarttelefoner, Steigan, 2020-08-21

Uncontrolled lifting of COVID-19 restrictions ‘recipe for disaster’ - WHO, TASS, 2020-08-31

Apple og Google legger kontaktsporing rett inn i operativsystemet, Steigan, 2020-09-03

Brainwashing experiment: Clinical trials designed to discover the “right message” to convince people to get vaccinated for COVID-19, NaturalHealth365, 2020-09-18

Høring – forlengelse av midlertidig lov om forvaltning av personell i Forsvaret for å avhjelpe konsekvenser av covid-19,, 2020-09-17

Bruk av Forsvaret under koronakrisa, Steigan, 2020-09-22