09 - september

Halvor Næss: Ønsker folk frihet eller holder det med lettelser?, Steigan, 2021-09-01

Adam Tooze: What if the Coronavirus Crisis Is Just a Trial Run?, New York Times, 2021-09-01

WHO: Opp mot 230.000 coronadødsfall i Europa før jul, VG, 2021-09-01

Adam Tooze: Has Covid ended the neoliberal era?, the Guardian, 2021-09-02

How (and why) Israel changed what “fully vaccinated” means, Off-Guardian, 2021-09-02

Terje Sørensen: Hvordan coronasmittebløffen oppsto og villedet, Steigan, 2021-09-03

Willy Johansen: Kom coronaviruset fra et laboratorium?, Steigan, 2021-09-03

Health Officials Advise White House to Scale Back Booster Plan for Now, New York Times, 2021-09-03

Israel fighting record breaking surge in Covid-19 cases despite high levels of vaccination, news.com.au, 2021-09-04

116-year-old Turkish woman recovers from COVID-19, Daily Sabah, 2021-09-04

Dag Bratlid: Dropp koronavaksine til barn, Bergens Tidende, 2021-09-08

What is the mu variant of the coronavirus?, MedicalXpress, 2021-09-08

John Ioannidis: How the Pandemic Is Changing the Norms of Science, Tablet, 2021-09-09

Pressens skremmeskudd, Journalisten, 2021-09-10

We’re Asking the Impossible of Vaccines, the Atlantic, 2021-09-10

9/11 og korona: Viruspolitikk er den nye «krigen mot terror», Midt i Fleisen, 2021-09-11

Considerations in boosting COVID-19 vaccine immune responses, the Lancet, 2021-09-13

Quarantine Blues? The Effects of Social Isolation in the Brain, That's Life Science, 2021-09-13

Bjørn Nistad: Protester mot regjeringens planer om å snikinnføre et evigvarende korona-diktatur, Steigan, 2021-09-13

4 av 10 koronadøde ble smittet på helseinstitusjoner, NRK, 2021-09-13

Jan Terje Voilås: Kommuneoverlege Lyngen: Dette har du ikke dekning for, Steigan, 2021-09-14

CDC Quietly Changes the Definition of Vaccination, Anti-Empire, 2021-09-15

Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months, NEJM, 2021-09-15

Moderna says COVID-19 vaccine protection wanes, makes case for booster, Reuters, 2021-09-16

Dag Bratlid: La barna være i fred!, Adressa, 2021-09-16

Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: a study in 48 440 adult patients, BMJ Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021-09-16

WHO Changing the Definition of Herd Immunity Sure Looks Stupid Now, Anti-Empire, 2021-09-17

Vaccines Fail Singapore: Cases Rise Despite 80% Vaccine Rate, Technocracy News, 2021-09-17

«Pandemien» har økt aksjeverdien til Nakstad 21 ganger, Steigan, 2021-09-19

Can we live with COVID-19? Singapore tries to blaze a path, Al Jazeera, 2021-09-20

Germany: Gas station employee killed over a face mask, DW, 2021-09-20

FHI: Vi kan nå sammenligne coronaviruset med influensa, VG, 2021-09-20

Tyske forskere fant udeklarerte metallfragmenter i vaksinene, Steigan, 2021-09-21

Israel’s struggles to contain COVID-19 may be a warning for other nations, Science, 2021-09-21

Nakstad aksjonær i smittevernselskap som tyvedoblet omsetningen, VG, 2021-09-22

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet, Off-Guardian, 2021-09-22

Den tyske koronaregninga blir gigantisk, Steigan, 2021-09-23

Vaccines for kids potentially more dangerous than COVID, German gov’t report indicates, LifeSite News, 2021-09-24

Reagerer kraftig på Nakstad: - Du kan ikke ta alvorlige beslutninger om helseberedskap og samtidig ha en slik aksjepost, Nettavisen, 2021-09-23

Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’, American Greatness, 2021-09-24

Deaths in Britain above average for sixth week running, the Telegraph, 2021-09-26

Følte seg presset til å ta koronavaksine – så fikk hun hjertebetennelse, Binders-initiativet, 2021-09-26

Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower, LifeSite News, 2021-09-28

Hjernevasket og detaljstyrt i halvannet år, Binders-initiativet, 2021-09-28

Vaksinekrangel i viktig helsekomite i USA, Derimot, 2021-09-29

Over 3000 leger og forskere signerer en erklæring; forbrytelser mot menneskeheten, Binders-initiativet, 2021-09-29

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States, European Journal of Epidemiology, 2021-09-30

Cutaneous vasculitis following COVID-19 vaccination, the Lancet Rheumatology, 2021-09-30

Forskning: bedre immunitet fra sykdom enn fra vaksine, HeMaLi, 2021-09-30

Hans Petter Graver: Pandemi og unntakstilstand, Steigan, 2021-09-30