3 -> juni 2020

Why coronavirus fears are disproportionate compared with other health risks, DW, 2020-02-07

How dangerous is the new coronavirus?, Al jazeera, 2020-02-20

Vanlig håndsåpe fungerer faktisk mye bedre mot koronavirus enn Antibac!, Aftenposten, 2020-03-10 (Archive Today)

40+ Coronavirus Myths & Misconceptions Debunked, information is beautiful, 2020-03-25

All the Coronavirus Statistics Are Flawed, the Atlantic, 2020-03-26

Professor who predicted 500,000 Britons could die from coronavirus and prompted Boris Johnson to order lockdown accused of having 'patchy record of modelling pandemics', MailOnline, 2020-03-29

Coronavirus Disease 2019: Myth vs. Fact, Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2020-04-03

History and Risk, Inference, 2020-04-03

Åtte forskere: Influensa tar flere liv enn koronaviruset i Norge, Sverige og Danmark, Aftenposten, 2020-04-10

Coronavirus statistics: what can we trust and what should we ignore?, the Guardian, 2020-04-12

Korona-sammenligning med andre land og sykdommer er helt avgjørende, Bretthauer, Helsingen, Kalager i Aftenposten, 2020-04-12

Why you can’t trust the UK’s “daily” Covid19 updates, OffGuardian, 2020-04-23

The Truth About China’s COVID-19 Response, MintPress, 2020-04-27

Sixteen COVID-19 rumors about China (Part One), China Daily, 2020-04-28

Sixteen COVID-19 rumors about China (Part Two), China Daily, 2020-04-29

Imperial College Model Applied to Sweden Yields Preposterous Results, AIER, 2020-04-30

A Tale of Two Countries, Peter Turchin, 2020-05-05

COVID 19 is a Statistical Nonsense, OffGuardian, 2020-05-05

What Is the Real Coronavirus Death Toll in Each State?, New York Times, 2020-05-08

What are the risks of COVID? And what is meant by ‘the risks of COVID’?, David Spiegelhalter, Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, 2020-05-13

How are COVID-19 deaths counted?, Live Science, 2020-05-18

The Fable of the Chinese Whistleblower, Project Syndicate, 2020-05-18

Is There Any Evidence A Lockdown Slows The Spread Of The Wuhan Virus?, Suyts Space, 2020-05-18

The Top Twelve Lies about Covid19, Behind the Lockdown, 2020-05-21

Rethinking COVID-19 Mortality Statistics, ACSH, 2020-05-27

“It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative, OffGuardian, 2020-05-31

Just the facts: Naming of novel coronavirus, China Daily, 2020-06-01

Danske forskere: Derfor synker smittetallet selv om samfunnet har åpnet igjen, Aftenposten, 2020-06-01

Bekymringen var stor: Men få pædagoger er blevet smittet, viser tal, Berlingske, 2020-06-02

Interpreting Covid-19 Test Results: A Bayesian Approach, Medium - Coronavirus, 2020-06-07

Ignore the conspiracy theories: scientists know Covid-19 wasn't created in a lab, the Guardian, 2020-06-09

REPORT: Over 95% of UK “Covid19” deaths had “pre-existing condition”, OffGuardian, 2020-06-09

Just the facts: Where novel coronavirus comes from, China Daily, 2020-06-10

Studies on Covid-19 lethality, SWPRS, 2020-06-12

95% av covid-19 dødsfallene i Storbritannia hadde minst en underliggende alvorlig sykdom, Steigan, 2020-06-14

COVID-19: The Disconnect between Cases and Deaths, Politics and Prosperity, 2020-06-16

Lies, Damned Lies and Covid19, OffGuardian, 2020-06-18

Stengte barnehager. Stengte skoler. Karantene. Gjenåpningen viser hva som virket, og hvilke tiltak som ikke hadde effekt, Aftenposten, 2020-06-22

What happens if you catch the new coronavirus?, Al jazeera, 2020-06-26

Coronavirus trend: The pandemic is far from over, DW, 2020-06-26

Coronavirus: All you need to know about symptoms and risks, Al Jazeera, 2020-06-27