Desember 2022

How China got stuck in its zero-COVID trap, East Asia Forum, 2022-12-01

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Brain Maturation in Adolescents: Implications for Analyzing Longitudinal Data, Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 2022-12-01

Chocksiffran: 97 procent av coviddöda ”vaccinerade”, SwebbTV, 2022-12-02

COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities, BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics, 2022-12-05

A panel of medical experts testifies concerning COVID vaccines, ScienceBlog, 2022-12-08

What are people NOT dying of, HART, 2022-12-11

Vitamin D og covid-19 – kan vi trekke endelige konklusjoner?, Tidsskriftet, 2022-12-12

Alarming antibody evasion properties of rising SARS-CoV-2 BQ and XBB subvariants, Cell, 2022-12-13

Martin Neil and Norman Fenton: The Devil's Advocate: An Exploratory Analysis of 2022 Excess Mortality, Where Are the Numbers, 2022-12-14

How Lockdowns Made Us Sicker, Brownstone Institute, 2022-12-15

Marianne (44) fikk ME etter covid-19 vaksinen: – Jeg sørger over det livet som er tapt., HeMaLi, 2022-12-17

Overdødelighet på 7 prosent i 2022, Aftenposten, 2022-12-21

Petter (33) ble et av pandemiens unge ofre, NRK, 2022-12-21

Breaking: German Parliament Vice President Calls For Investigation into Covid 'Vaccine' Deaths and Damages (Video), RAIR Foundation, 2022-12-19

The truth about Covid McCarthyism, Spiked, 2022-12-19

UK Doctors Call For Government Investigation Of mRNA Covid Vaccines, DfPUK, 2022-12-21

Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance, AP News, 2022-12-21

T10.3.5.2 Covid-19 / Koronavirus, norsk Legemiddelhåndbok, 2022-12-21

COVID-19 tools used to expand global surveillance, YouTube, 2022-12-22

Milliardkjøpet må kastes, Nettavisen, 2022-12-22

Visepresidenten i den tyske Forbundsdagen ber om undersøkelse av dødsfall og skader fra Covid-‘vaksine’, Steigan, 2022-12-23

Edmund Malesky: Vietnam makes a model recovery from Covid-19, Asia Times, 2022-12-26

Det finnes meget effektive medisiner mot Covid-19, Derimot, 2022-12-26

David Zweig: How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate, the Free Press, 2022-12-26

Q&A on the downgraded management of COVID-19, China Daily, 2022-12-27

Colin Todhunter: Of Economic Crises and Pandemics: Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma as God, Off-Guardian, 2022-12-29

Krigen mot de uvaksinerte var meningsløs, Derimot, 2022-12-30