06 - June

COVID-19 Is Exposing the United States’ Ragged, Shameful Safety Net, Jacobin Magazine, 2020-06

How Spain Shamed Itself by Leaving the Elderly to Die Under Coronavirus, Jacobin Magazine, 2020-06

Why the Neoliberal Agenda is a Failure at Fighting Coronavirus, Counterpunch, 2020-06-01

FED’s $10 Trillion Defends Assets of the Rich – Michael Hudson, the Analysis, 2020-06-02

Frykten er deres våpen, Steigan, 2020-06-03

China’s Covid-19 recovery is intensifying class exploitation, Open Democracy, 2020-06-05

Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?, OffGuardian, 2020-06-06

America Is Giving Up on the Pandemic, the Atlantis, 2020-06-07

The true Trump nightmare is finally upon us, Robert Wright in Nonzero, 2020-06-08

America Fails the Marshmallow Test, New York Times, 2020-06-09

Scientists Have Utterly Failed to Prove that the Coronavirus Fulfills Koch’s Postulates, Off-Guardian, 2020-06-09

'Speaking of Looting...': Trump Admin. Refuses to Disclose Corporate Recipients of $500 Billion in Coronavirus Bailout Funds, Common Dreams, 2020-06-11

Julian Assange just called. To talk about the pandemic’s effect on capitalism & politics!, Yanis Varoufakis, 2020-06-13

The Masks Masquerade, Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Medium, 2020-06-14

No, We Don’t Need to Place Our Faith in Downloading Some Untested, Privacy-Infringing App as the Only Possible COVID-19 Slayer; Why Don’t We Look to Places that Have Successfully Limited Disease Spread and Copy Their Policies?, Jerri-Lynn Scofield, Naked Capitalism, 2020-06-16

Vi er egentlig blitt fattigere, men politikken oppfører seg som om vi er blitt rikere, Einar Lie i Aftenposten, 2020-06-21

Controversy on COVID-19 mask study spotlights messiness of science during a pandemic,CIDRAP, 2020-06-24

COVID the strange the inexplicable and the weird, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, 2020-06-26

Ancient lessons for modern crisis, Engelsberg Ideas, 2020-06-26

‘The lockdown is causing so many deaths’, Spiked, 2020-06-26