7 oktober

Høie får beredskapskritikk fra opposisjonen, ABC Nyheter, 2020-10-03

Helsearbeider måtte jobbe ved institusjon i karantenetida, Fri Fagbevegelse, 2020-10-05

Covid: how Excel may have caused loss of 16,000 test results in England, the Guardian, 2020-10-06

US medical supply chains failed, and COVID deaths followed, AP, 2020-10-07

FHI fraråder påbud om munnbind, Dagbladet, 2020-10-11

California kept prison factories open. Inmates worked for pennies an hour as COVID-19 spread, Los Angeles Times, 2020-10-11

COVID-19 Impact Reveals Global Leadership Crisis, According to New Global Survey, Milken Institute, 2020-10-12

What has gone wrong with England's Covid test-and-trace system?, the Guardian, 2020-10-13

UK's test and trace 'having marginal impact': which countries got it right?, the Guardian, 2020-10-13

Sjokkert over hvor dårlig forberedt Norge var da Covid-19 kom til landet, tross advarsel i november, Fri Fagbevegelse, 2020-10-14

Trump administration crackdown 'couldn't come at a worse time' for hospitals, Healthcare IT News, 2020-10-15

Serco profits surge thanks to Covid-19 test-and-trace contract, the Guardian, 2020-10-16

Test and trace system failed to reach nearly 250,000 close contacts of people who tested positive for coronavirus, figures reveal, Mail Online, 2020-10-18

Profits Over Human Life? ER Doctor’s Story is Fearful Lesson for U.S. Workers During Pandemic, INET -Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2020-10-20

“130,000 – 210,000 Avoidable COVID-19 Deaths – And Counting In The U.S.”, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia University, 2020-10-21

Covid Vaccine Distribution: More Fertile Ground for Corruption, Transparency International, 2020-10-22

Official report that said UK was not prepared for pandemic is published, the Guardian, 2020-10-22

Koronasmittet tok tre busser. Bussjåfør reagerer på dårlig varsling, Adressa, 2020-10-22

FHI vil vurdere korona-reglene for utenlandske arbeidere, NRK, 2020-10-22

UK COVID-19 salary scheme fraud may hit $5 billion, watchdog says, Reuters, 2020-10-23

Sifo-forsker: – Folkehelseinstituttet bommer med sine råd om vask av munnbind, Aftenposten, 2020-10-29