11 - november

Jens Weidmann: Too close for comfort? The relationship between monetary and fiscal policy, Speech at the OMFIF Virtual Panel, 2020-11-05

Lockdowns whet appetite for organic food, China Daily, 2020-11-06

The collateral damage to children’s education during lockdown, VoxEU, 2020-11-09

Covid set to cause 400,000 surge in TB deaths as medics diverted, the Guardian, 2020-11-08

What might COVID cost the U.S.? Try $16 trillion, Harvard Gazette, 2020-11-10

Japan suicides rise as economic impact of coronavirus hits home, Japan Times, 2020-11-11

COVID-19 could leave another generation of young people on the scrapheap, Bruegel, 2020-11-12

Nå vil du kjenne et lite stikk. I hjertet, Aftenposten, 2020-11-13

Doctors Are Calling It Quits Under Stress of the Pandemic, New York Times, 2020-11-15

Covid-19 Caused International Enrollments to Plummet This Fall. They Were Already Dropping, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2020-11-16

'I'm seeing an industry disappear': how lockdown is leaving hospitality workers homeless, the Guardian, 2020-11-16

International Student Numbers Decline, InsideHigher Ed, 2020-11-16

Not just COVID: Nursing home neglect deaths surge in shadows, AP, 2020-11-19

U.S. Shale Bankruptcies Accelerate Despite Pandemic Protection, Oilprice.com, 2020-11-25

In Sabah, students fall from suspension bridge they climbed to get internet access, Malay Mail, 2020-11-26

The scarring effect of COVID-19: youth unemployment in Europe, Bruegel, 2020-11-28

There’s a social pathogen stalking the world that’s as deadly as Covid-19, the Guardian, 2020-11-29