5 - august

Impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child health, the Lancet Global Health, 2020-08-03

Failing the Coronavirus-Testing Test, Harvard Magazine, 2020-08-03

Decoy receptor neutralizes coronavirus in cell cultures, University of Illinois News, 2020-08-04

Coronavirus: What you should know about tests, DW, 2020-08-04

Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19?, Oxford University CEBM, 2020-08-05

America’s Obesity Epidemic Threatens Effectiveness of Any COVID Vaccine, Kaiser Health News, 2020-08-06

Cheap, frequent COVID tests could be ‘akin to vaccine,’ professor says, Harvard Gazette, 020-08-11

Antibody drugs could be one of the best weapons against Covid-19. But will they matter?, STAT News, 2020-08-11

‘A Smoking Gun’: Infectious Coronavirus Retrieved From Hospital Air, New York Times, 2020-08-11

Big Pharma’s Covid-19 Profiteers, Rolling Stone, 2020-08-13

Siste sjanse til å stanse eksperimentelle GMO-vaksiner, Steigan, 2020-08-15

Først nå når Oslo målet for koronatesting. Neste uke kommer planen for å teste inntil 5 prosent., Aftenposten, 2020-08-18

Vaksinen som kommer på markedet i Norge, testes nå på tusenvis, Aftenposten, 2020-08-20

Global race to buy coronavirus vaccine: What you need to know, DW, 2020-08-20

Covid 19 coronavirus: Why New Zealand might never know how virus came back, New Zealand Herald, 2020-08-20

97,000 People Got Convalescent Plasma. Who Knows if It Works?, Wired, 2020-08-21

Deloitte gets another huge COVID contract – for ‘crazy’ plan to test millions each day, OpenDemocracy, 2020-08-21

Tegnell: – Vaksiner er ikke den totale løsningen mot covid-19, Adressa, 2020-08-24

Dansk rapport om mørketal: Dødeligheden og risikoen for alvorlig sygdom ved covid-19 er markant lavere end først antaget, Jyllands-Posten, 2020-08-24

Convalescent Plasma: The Science and the Politics, Science Translational Medicine, 2020-08-24

The latest in the global race for a COVID-19 vaccine, AEI, 2020-08-25

Four scenarios on how we might develop immunity to Covid-19, STAT News, 2020-08-25

Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in covid-19?, BMJ, 2020-08-25

FDA Chief Apologizes for COVID Treatment Claim, WebMD, 2020-08-25

Steve Kelly – BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA, Patrick Herbert, 2020-08-25

COVID-19 vaccine: From the lab to your doorstep, DW, 2020-08-26

Ekstra viktig i år: 1,6 millioner bør vaksinere seg mot influensa, mener helsemyndighetene., Aftenposten, 2020-08-26

Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine gives good immune response, says health ministry expert, TASS, 2020-08-27

Persistent heterogeneity not short-term overdispersion determines herd immunity to COVID-19, PNAS, 2020-08-20 (Arxiv)

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be., New York Times, 2020-08-29

Mye lavere smitterisiko, Dagbladet, 2020-08-29

The COVID-19 PCR Test is Detecting DNA Found in All Humans, Health and Money News, 2020-08-30

FHI-tall: Høyere smitte privat enn på utestedene, ABC Nyheter, 2020-08-31

Norge har sikret seg en covid-19-vaksine. Hva er den egentlig laget av?, Forskning, 2020-08-31