
Konsekvenser - Mars-April

The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence, the Lancet, 2020-02-26

The Covid-19 crisis is a chance to do capitalism differently, the Guardian, 2020-03-18

Western Universities Rely on China. After the Virus, That May Not Last., NewYork Times, 2020-03-21

How covid-19 exacerbates inequality, the Economist, 2020-03-26

EPA suspends enforcement of environmental laws amid coronavirus, The Hill, 2020-03-26

With a Quarter of the World’s Population Under US Sanctions, Countries Appeal to UN to Intervene, the AltWorld, 2020-03-27

Sykehuset ryddet plass til koronasmittede. Dermed måtte Nicholas Haagensen (39) ut. Dagen etter døde han., Aftenposten, 2020-03-30

Norges Bank trapper opp kronekjøpene, E24, 2020-03-31

70 million people can’t afford to wait for their stimulus funds to come in a paper check, Brookings, 2020-03-31

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Built Environment Considerations To Reduce Transmission, mSystems,2020-03-??

Las Vegas homeless people are sleeping in a parking lot -- six feet apart, CNN , 2020-03-31

Coronavirus: Italy launches mental health service for lockdown, DW, 2020-03-31

Feil på prøvesvar, Sykehuset Innlandet HF, 2020-03-31

MDG mener den nye krisepakken forsterker miljøkrisa: – Gratulerer Frp, NRK, 2020-03-31

Could the Covid19 Response be More Deadly than the Virus?, OffGuardian, 2020-04-01

Disease and Xenophobia, Asharq al-Awsat, 2020-04-03

The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Opened the Curtains on the World’s Next Economic Model, naked capitalism, 2020-04-03

Americans stock up on guns and ammo amid coronavirus pandemic, DW, 2020-04-03

Coronavirus: Europe's forgotten Roma at risk, DW, 2020-04-04

Flere har rygg- og nakkesmerter under coronapandemien, ABC Nyheter, 2020-04-05

Kostnader av epidemisk art, Einar Lie i Aftenposten, 2020-04-05

COVID-19: ‘Some 70 Nations’ Now Back Call for Global Ceasefire, Consortium News, 2020-04-05

Er gevinsten av sparte liv stor nok til å forsvare et nedstengt Norge? SSB-forskere har funnet et svar, Aftenposten, 2020-04-06

Total system failure will give rise to new economy, Asia Times, 2020-04-09

Exclusive: U.S. banks prepare to seize energy assets as shale boom goes bust, Reuters, 2020-04-09

Coronavirus research done too fast is testing publishing safeguards, bad science is getting through, the Conversation, 2020-04-09

India’s Hindu Nationalists Are Inciting Hate By Claiming Muslims Are Spreading Coronavirus, Vice News, 2020-04-10

Why COVID-19 could change how we work, OUPblog, 2020-04-10

A Nasty Competition Emerges in Hunt for Corona Protective Gear, Der Spiegel,2020-04-10

7 ways the planet is healing, thanks to global lockdown, CountryLiving, 2020-04-11

Coronavirus puts Arctic climate change research on ice, DW, 2020-04-12

COVID-19: Sex workers suffer during social distancing in India, DW, 2020-04-13

Coronavirus: What's happening to the beer left in pubs?, BBC News, 2020-04-13

UN warns of measles spike as coronavirus halts vaccination programs, DW, 2020-04-14

GOP Tax Cuts in Coronavirus Relief Bill Give 82% of Benefits to Millionaires and Billionaires, Mintpress News, 2020-04-15

No hands to harvest strawberries in the Spanish coronavirus lockdown, DW, 2020-04-15

Bank websites, hit by wave of stimulus interest, experience some outages and slowdowns, NBC News, 2020-04-15

Oil and gas companies exploit coronavirus to roll back environmental regulations, DW, 2020-04-16

Insomnia in a pandemic, Harvard Gazette, 2020-04-16

FHI frykter hytteforbudet kan ha skapt en ny smittefare, NRK, 2020-04-19

Coronavirus pandemic driving tech solutions in sub-Saharan Africa, DW, 2020-04-19

Hvor frie er forskerne på Folkehelseinstituttet? | Nina Kristiansen, Aftenposten, 2020-04-20

Sakene til 4–5000 som ble rammet av trygdeskandalen, er satt på vent i kriserammet Nav, Aftenposten, 2020-04-20

Good news! The dawn chorus is louder and clearer than it has been in decades, thanks to lockdown, CountryLiving, 2020-04-23

Coronavirus plastic waste polluting the environment, DW, 2020-04-23

Biodiversity and Pandemic Diseases (or How We Came to Know Our World in 2020), the DIRT, 2020-04-23

Da Norge ble stille, Aftenposten, 2020-04-24

Our love of the cloud is making a green energy future impossible, TechCrunch, 2020-04-25

Coronavirus forcing countries to reevaluate security paradigms, DW, 2020-04-26

LOKIN-20: The Lockdown Regime Causes Increasing Health Concerns, OffGuardian, 2020-04-29

Rubbish is piling up and recycling has stalled – waste systems must adapt, the Conversation, 2020-04-30