Juni 2022

Lockdown is a National Security Catastrophe, the Ideas Institute, 2022-06-01

Pål-Henrik Hagen: Smitteverntiltakene var ikke bare unødvendige, de gjorde betydelig skade, Steigan, 2022-06-02

New UK Gov. report confirms COVID Vaccination significantly increases the risk of Death and kills hundreds of thousands after five months,the Exposé, 2022-06-02

How the Pandemic Killed the Uninfected, Harvard Magazine, 2022-05…06

Bayer Head Admits COVID-19 Vaccine is Gene Therapy, Armstrong Economics, 2022-06-03

Justin E. H. Smith: Permanent Pandemic, Harpers Magazine, 2022-06

Exclusive: How the Bulk of Assam's Sanitiser Orders Went to Firm Linked With CM at Much Higher Rate, the Wire, 2022-06-01

Monkeypox Infection - To Fear or Not to Fear?, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2022-06-01

A picture tells a thousand words: or does it?, HART, 2022-06-02

PANDEMIC TREATY, James Roguski, 2022-06-03

Glenn Richard Bergstø: Koronakrisa – prioritering og perspektiv, Steigan, 2022-06-04

Stor økning i FIFA-spillere som dør av plutselig hjertestans, Derimot, 2022-06-07

Masks do more harm than good, HART, 2022-06-08

A Few Insights Based on CDC Data Regarding COVID and its Vaccines, Our Finite World, 2022-06-09

Bevisst svindel?, Steigan, 2022-06-11

SHOCKING – At least 77K Dead & 7.3 Million injured due to COVID Vaccination across USA, Europe, UK & Australia, The Exposé, 2022-06-11

Pathologist: COVID-19 shots causing foot-long blood clots, WND, 2022-06-12

Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals, Epoch times, 2022-06-12

Trond Skaftnesmo: Covid-svindelen som rystet verden, Steigan, 2022-06-13

De som skapte koronakrisa kommer ikke til å gi seg – det blir verre, Steigan, 2022-06-14


Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections, NEJM, 2022-06-15

Kjetil Tveit: Innrømmer at det var genterapi likevel, Steigan, 2022-06-18

Alvorlige vaksineskader i Norge, Steigan, 2022-06-20

Frihet, Foreningen Lov og Helse, 2022-06-20

Julia Schreiner Benito: Norsk professor: – mRNA er eksperimentell genterapi, Steigan, 2022-06-23

Were the Correct Approaches Chosen to Handle the Pandemic?, The Forgotten Side of Medicine, 2022-06-22

Set i bakspejlet fik vi ikke meget ud af at vaccinere børnene, erkender Brostrøm, TV2, 2022-06-22

A Sensible Approach to Handling the Pandemic, The Forgotten Side of Medicine, 2022-06-23

Covid’s Catch-22: The paradox of masking and disease, Santa Fe Institute, 2022-06-23

Who Was Responsible for the Botched Pandemic Response?, The Forgotten Side of Medicine, 2022-06-24

Data viser angivelig hvor ineffektive Covid-19-vaksiner er over hele verden, Steigan, 2022-06-26

John Walsh: Covid death toll vs China’s puts US to shame, Asia Times, 2022-06-27

Dr. immunolog Charlotte Haug: – Mange ubesvarte spørsmål, HeMaLi, 2022-06-27

Comparison of pandemic excess mortality in 2020–2021 across different empirical calculations, Environmental Research, 2022-06-27

SARS-2 Didn't Care About DDR Borders Until the Vaccines, eugyppius: a plague chronicle, 2022-06-29

Maryanne Demasi:From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?, BMJ, 2022-06-29

The nervous system during COVID-19: Caught in the crossfire, Immunological Reviews, 2022-06-30