2 - mai-juli 2020

Across the World, the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Become an Invitation to Autocracy, the Wire, 2020-05-03

DW's Freedom of Speech Award honors journalists persecuted for coronavirus reporting, DW, 2020-05-03

Neoliberalism is over – welcome to the era of neo-illiberalism, OpenDemocracy, 2020-05-07

Don’t sacrifice freedom at the altar of safety, Frank Furedi, 2020-05-07

COVID19 and the Left: an Ignored Civil Rights Crisis, OffGuardian, 2020-05-07

Folkehelseinstituttet mener at 16 menneskerettigheter har måttet vike for korona-tiltakene, Steigan, 2020-05-08

Privacy & pandemics – time for constitutional test, Asia Times, 2020-05-09

Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?, OffGuardian, 2020-05-09

COVID19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown, OffGuardian, 2020-05-10

Germany: Catholic chiefs reject cardinals' coronavirus 'conspiracy theories', DW, 2020-05-10

Naomi Klein: How big tech plans to profit from the pandemic, the Guardian, 2020-05-13

Under cover of coronavirus, the world's bad guys are wreaking havoc, the Guardian, 2020-05-15

Study: Coronavirus Has a Been a Massive Boon for America’s Billionaires, MintPress, 2020-05-15

The Price of Covid Freedom May Be Eternal Spying, Asharq Al-Awsat, 2020-05-15

Why the Neoliberals Won’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste, Jacobin, 2020-05-16

Federal Government Buys Riot Gear, Increases Security Funding, Citing Coronavirus Pandemic, the Intercept, 2020-05-17

Dystopian and disturbing: Big Tech censorship lumps together conspiracy loons and proper scientists, Frank Furedi, 2020-05-18

Flere akademikere ut mot smittestopp-appen, Khrono, 2020-05-19

You Don’t Need Invasive Tech for Successful Contact Tracing. Here’s How It Works, ProPublica, 2020-05-19

Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network, Wired, 2020-05-24

De med makt bruker ordet «vi» hele tiden. Det har sine grunner. | Frank Rossavik, Aftenposten, 2020-05-26

Høie utreder portforbud, Dagbladet, 2020-05-27

Dramatisk forslag om isolering av smittede personer | Hans Petter Graver, Aftenposten, 2020-05-29

Amnesty: Norges Smittestopp-app blant de verste i verden på personvern, NRK, 2020-06-16

Facebook using “fact-checkers” to censor dissent on Covid19, OffGuardian, 2020-06-17

The Great Reset Fraud, Strategic Culture, 2020-07-15

Inside the Invasive, Secretive “Bossware” Tracking Workers, EFF, 2020-06-30

Britisk dokument: – Bruk media for å øke følelsen av personlig trussel, Steigan, 2020-07-19