03 - mars

COVID-19 Vaccine Doses: Who’s Got At Least One?, Visual Capitalist, 2021-03-01

Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: researchers, LifeSite News, 2021-03-01

Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study, the Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2021-03

The Antibody Deception, Rosemary Frei, 2021-03-02

The Potential Future of the COVID-19 Pandemic, JAMA, 2021-03-03

Coronavirus: UN warns of 'catastrophic education emergency', DW, 2021-03-03

Dette er Norges verstefallsscenario for koronasmitten, NRK, 2021-03-03

COVID vaccination studies: plan now to pool data, or be bogged down in confusion, Nature, 2021-03-03

The key ingredient that could hold back vaccine manufacturing, Vox recode, 2021-03-03

Medisin-professor tordner mot Nakstad: - De må fortelle oss mye mer detaljer, Nettavisen, 2021-03-03

Norge fikk 86.000 færre vaksiner enn planlagt i februar. Dette er tallene som gir Bent Høie håp, Aftenposten, 2021-03-04

Where Are We in Finding the Coronavirus’s Origin?, Bloomberg, 2021-03-04

Coronavirus Deranges the Immune System in Complex and Deadly Ways, Kaiser Health News, 2021-03-04

The Case against Lockdowns, CSPI, 2021-03-04

NY officials removed fuller tally of nursing home deaths, AP, 2021-03-05

Stay‑at‑home policy is a case of exception fallacy: an internet‑based ecological study, Nature Scientific Reports, 2021-03-05

Sick? Stay home!, VoxEU, 2021-03-05

Ny nedstenging må til om mutert virus skal slås ned!, VG, 2021-03-05

Yes, export bans on vaccines are a problem, but why is the supply of vaccines so limited in the first place?, the Conversation, 2021-03-05

Why comparing Covid-19 vaccine efficacy numbers can be misleading, Vox, 2021-03-05

Sammenhengen mellom overvekt og covid-19, Steigan, 2021-03-06

Coronavirus har påvirket vores hjerner til at tro, at det unormale er normalt, viser simpelt forsøg, TV2, 2021-03-06

«Dette er eksperimentelle vaksiner, og vi vet absolutt ingenting om eventuelle fremtidige bivirkninger», iTromsø, 2021-03-07

Vaksinepass er en dårlig idé, Dagbladet, 2021-03-07

Don’t let bureaucracy constrict the supply of Covid-19 vaccines, STAT News, 2021-03-07

FHI-tall: 41.000 AstraZeneca-doser ikke satt – vet ikke hvorfor, VG, 2021-03-08

Turkey passes 10 million mark in COVID-19 vaccinations, Daily Sabah, 2021-03-08

Serological evidence of human infection with SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review and meta-analysis, the Lancet Global Health, 2021-03-08

New outbreak of COVID-19 in B.C. care home where 82% of residents were already vaccinated, CBC, 2021-03-08

Forsker: Høyt smittetall er misvisende – vil vite hvor mange som blir syke, VG, 2021-03-09

Oslo har fått nok vaksiner til alle prioriterte ansatte på sykehjem. Men de tør ikke vaksinere alle nå., Aftenposten, 2021-03-09

Debatten – Hvor mye smitte kan vi tåle?, Debatten, NRK, 2021-03-09

Da Norge stengte ned, ABC Nyheter, 2021-03-10

A Comparative Systematic Review of COVID-19 and Influenza, Viruses, 2021-03-10

Sykepleiere venter på vaksiner: – Vi har ikke nok, Dagsavisen, 2021-03-10

Across virtually every key measure of childhood, progress has gone backward, UNICEF says as pandemic declaration hits one-year mark, UNICEF, 2021-03-10

Ingen overdødelighet i 2020, SSB, 2021-03-11

Gästskribent NILS LITTORIN: Munskydd för allmänheten funkar inte, Det Goda Samhället, 2021-03-11

Doctors & Scientists Write to European Medicines Agency Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers, Off-Guardian, 2021-03-11

Covid-19: European countries suspend use of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine after reports of blood clots, BMJ, 2021-03-11

Flere kommuner stanser vaksinering med AstraZeneca, NRK, 2021-03-11

Visualized: Key Events in the COVID-19 Timeline, Visual Capitalist, 2021-03-11

Explained: The 3 Major COVID-19 Variants, Visual Capitalist, 2021-03-11

New COVID-19 measures in place for Istanbul public spaces, Daily Sabah, 2021-03-11

Antall smitta ikke viktig, men alvorlig sjuke. Regjeringa innrømmer «mindre dokumentasjon på virkningen til enkelttiltak», Politikus, 2021-03-11

Comparison of clinical characteristics and disease outcome of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza, Nature Scientific Reports, 2021-03-11

Jeg har en vond drøm - Et lite essay om «koronakrisen» og vår krybbes tomhet, Khrono, 2021-03-12

Det er nok nå, Dagbladet, 2021-03-12

Psykiske helseplager må ikke bli den neste pandemien, Nordnorsk debatt, 2021-03-12

International Criminal Court, The Hague, accepted covid-19 complaint of violation of Nuremberg Code by Israeli government, Our Greater Destiny, 2021-03-13

Vi fryktet overfylte sykehus. Og sendte de mest sårbare på dør, Adressa, 2021-03-13

Intern rapport: Landets største sykehus hadde store mangler i planene for en pandemi, Aftenposten, 2021-03-13

Når frykten blir vane | Kjetil Rolness, Aftenposten, 2021-03-13

New Test Can Show If You’ve Had COVID-19, Even If Antibodies Fade, Freethink, 2021-03-13

Legemiddelverket har mottatt meldinger om blodpropp og blødninger hos yngre etter vaksinering med AstraZeneca-vaksinen, FHI, 2021-03-13

Medics around China return to Wuhan – this spring to enjoy cherry blossoms, Global Times, 2021-03-13

Professor maner til opprør mot koronatiltak: – Har blitt en nasjonal lydighetskonkurranse, NRK, 2021-03-13

Our covid-19 model estimates odds of hospitalisation and death, Economist, 2021-02-13

Nedstengningene skaper uhelse., Derimot, 2021-03-13

When it comes to vaccines, suddenly “from vs with” matters again, Off-Guardian, 2021-03-15

The curious case of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine, STAT News, 2021-03-15

How does the COVID-19 Pandemic Compare to Other Pandemics?, News Medical, 2021-03-16

Desperat Raymond Johansen med enda mer av det som ikke virker mot Oslos befolkning, Steigan, 2021-03-16

How a mutated coronavirus evades immune system defenses, Harvard Gazette, 2021-03-16

FHI advarte mot følgene av skolestengning: – Svært problematisk, Aftenposten, 2021-03-16

Regjeringens nødrespiratorer fremdeles ikke levert, VG, 2021-03-16

The COVID Class War Heats Up, Tablet, 2021-03-17

Helsearbeidere står uten vaksine: − Henger ikke sammen, VG, 2021-03-17

Tillitsvalgte slår vaksine-alarm på sykehusene: − Alvorlig situasjon, VG, 2021-03-17

Second-wave COVID mortality dropped markedly in (most) wealthier zones, University of Sydney, 2021-03-17

Kluss med koronatester i Oppdal - sendte flere hundre i unødvendig karantene, Adressa, 2021-03-17

Slutt å skylde på koronaviruspandemien, Nettavisen, 2021-03-17

Lockdowns Caused a Quarter of Million Infant Deaths in South Asia, UN Estimates, the Telegraph, 2021-03-17

Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible, Nature, 2021-03-18

Rikshospitalet-gruppe: AstraZeneca-vaksine årsaken til dødelig blodpropp hos helsearbeidere, Adressa, 2021-03-18

The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero, Reuters, 2021-03-18

Can pollen increase COVID-19 infection rates?, DW, 2021-03-18

Jusprofessor om Solbergs smittevernbrudd: – Klart og utvilsomt brudd på loven, NRK, 2021-03-18

Helsemyndighetenes og statsråders villedende informasjon om vaksinene gir et dårlig grunnlag for et opplyst vaksinevalg, Fritt Vaksinevalg, 2021-03-18

Drugmakers Promise Investors They’ll Soon Hike Covid-19 Vaccine Prices, the Intercept, 2021-03-18

How the West Lost COVID, New York Magazine, 2021-03-18

Noen nøkkelpunkter om vaksinene, Steigan, 2021-03-19

Bookings surge for May Day holiday, China Daily, 2021-03-19

En varslet katastrofe, Dagbladet, 2021-03-19

Has COVID peaked? Maybe, but it’s too soon to be sure, Nature, 2021-03-19

Varsler massesøksmål mot AstraZeneca: – Vi er blitt lurt, Nettavisen, 2021-03-19

Only 40% of COVID patients generated an immune response, China Daily, 2021-03-20

Wuhan launches 2021's first tourist train, Xinhuanet, 2021-03-21

FHI om mistenkte bivirkninger: − Vi tror man er utenfor fare etter 14 dager, VG, 2021-03-21

Leopoldo Salmaso: Covid-vaksiner og humlas paradoks, Steigan, 2021-03-21

Seroprevalence and humoral immune durability of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Wuhan, China: a longitudinal, population-level, cross-sectional study, the Lancet, 2021-03-20/26

Infographic: How has the world changed since COVID-19?, Al Jazeera, 2021-03-22

Chasing the Elusive Numbers That Define Epidemics, Quanta Magazine, 2021-03-22

Covid: The countries that nailed it, and what we can learn from them, BBC News, 2021-03-22

U.S. Health Officials Question AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial Results, New York Times, 2021-03-23

Hvordan gikk det med Texas?, Steigan, 2021-03-23

Coronavirus: How the common cold can boot out Covid, BBC News, 2021-03-23

Lockdown One Year On – It doesn’t work, it never worked & it wasn’t supposed to work, Off-Guardian, 2021-03-23

Valisure Detects Benzene in Hand Sanitizers, Valisure, 2021-03-24

Why were more people dying in the UK even before Covid-19?, New Statesman, 2021-03-24

Coronavirus: 'Double mutant' Covid variant found in India, BBC News, 2021-03-25

AstraZeneca nedjusterer effektiviteten på coronavaksine, ABC Nyheter, 2021-03-25

FHI må oppdatere sine råd, Dagbladet, 2021-03-25

106-year-old Turkish woman witnesses 2 pandemics in her lifetime, Daily Sabah, 2021-03-25

We must start planning for a permanent pandemic, Japan Times, 2021-03-25

The main public health tool during 1918 pandemic? Social distancing, Harvard Gazette, 2021-03-25

On the Shoulders of Giants — From Jenner’s Cowpox to mRNA Covid Vaccines, NEJM, 2021-03-25

Helsedirektoratet advarte mot munnbind i 2009. Nå vil man tvinge det på barn, Steigan, 2021-03-26

Austerity Raises Covid Deaths, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2021-03-26

Covid-19. En oversikt over bevisene, Steigan, 2021-03-26

COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink, Frontiers in Public Health, 2021-02-26

John P.A. Ioannidis: Reconciling estimates of global spread and infection fatality rates of COVID‐19: an overview of systematic evaluations, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2021-03-26

“Making something out of nothing”: PCR tests, CT values and false positives, Off-Guardian, 2021-03-27

Det finnes ingen «smitteeksplosjon» blant barn og unge, Steigan, 2021-03-27

Når EU-lojalitet blir til covid-nestekjærlighet, ABCNyheter, 2021-03-28

1.5 to 2 Billion People Have Already Had COVID, Fatality Rate Is 0.15% — New Ioannidis Study, Anti-Empire, 2021-03-29

Karantenehotell gjør reisende til innsatte. Hotellpersonell og vektere blir fangevoktere., Aftenposten, 2021-03-29 (Archive.today)

Germany's vaccine regulator reports 31 cases of blood disorder after AstraZeneca shot, Reuters, 2021-03-30

Forskning: Den globale dødeligheten i forhold til antall smittede er ca. 0,15%, Steigan, 2021-03-30

Covid Vaccine Nonsense, Off-Guardian, 2021-03-30

Covid: new vaccines needed globally within a year, say scientists, the Guardian, 2021-03-30

Why indoor spaces are still prime COVID hotspots, Nature, 2021-03-30

Covid Update, Spring 2021, Swiss Policy Research, 2021-03-30

Dr. Kary Mullis: Where COVID Meets Cancel Culture, 21st Century Wire, 2021-03-03

Covid Vaccine Nonsense, Off-Guardian, 2021-03-30

AIDS discoverer joins Israel Supreme Court petition to halt COVID-19 vaccine campaign, America's Frontline Doctors, 2021-03-31

Skrekkscenarioene kommer ikke til å slå til. Smitten gikk ned før regjeringen stengte Norge., Aftenposten, 2021-03-31

Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is delayed by a U.S. factory mixup., New York Times, 2021-03-31

Negative COVID Tests For Sale Are Flooding The Dark Web, ZeroHedge, 2021-03-31

Tozinameran (Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine), Wikipedia