08 - august

Naturlig immunitet beskytter massiv bedre enn vaksinasjon, Derimot, 2021-08-01

Charles Eisenstein: Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed, 2021-08-02

Tysklands største avis ber alle barn om tilgivelse, Steigan, 2021-08-02

Etter 6 måneder er vaksine-effekten omtrent borte, Derimot, 2021-08-02

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL, YouTube, 2021-08-03

Leaky Blood Vessels: An Unknown Danger of COVID-19 Vaccination, Doctors for Covid Ethics, 2021-08-04

COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Really Work as Hoped, Our finite World, 2021-08-05

Robert Malone and Peter Navarro: Vaccine inventor questions mandatory shot push, Biden’s Covid-19 strategy, Washington Times, 2021-08-05 (Archive Today)

Provinsen Alberta i Canada avslutter covid-tiltak etter seier i sivil rettssak, Steigan, 2021-08-06

In England, hundreds of vaccinated people hospitalised with Delta, Al Jazeera, 2021-08-06

Variants could be named after star constellations when Greek alphabet runs out, says WHO Covid chief, the Telegraph, 2021-08-07

Island og Gibraltar har den høyeste vaksinasjonsraten i verden – og antall covidtilfeller går rett til værs, Steigan, 2021-08-08

Study Outlines The Damage to Democracy and Human Rights Under Lockdowns, AIER, 2021-08-10

COVID’s future: From pandemic to endemic?, Harvard Gazette, 2021-08-12

Examining The PCR Test, Jason Watton, 2021-08-12

Accounting for uncertainty during a pandemic, Patterns, 2021-08-13

Pfizer, Moderna seen reaping billions from COVID-19 vaccine booster market, Reuters, 2021-08-13

COVID-19 – Florence Nightingale Diagrams of Deaths in England & Wales, Oxford CEBM, 2021-08-13

Pfizer CEO to Public: Just Trust Us on the Covid Booster, Kaiser Health News, 2021-08-13

Legemiddelverket: Flere enn ventet får betennelse i hjertet etter vaksine, NRK, 2021-08-13

Det er de vaksinerte som nå sprer det muterte viruset, Hemali, 2021-08-14

Vaksinemilliardærene, Midt i Fleisen, 2021-08-15

Profiteering from vaccine inequity: a crime against humanity?, BMJ, 2021-08-16

Forvirring og utrygghet er nettopp hensikten, Derimot, 2021-08-16

A New Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Hypothesis, Science Translational Medicine, 2021-08-16

Fabio Vighi: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation, the Philosophical Salon, 2021-08-16

COVID: Why are infections rising in Israel?, DW, 2021-08-17

New Zealand to go into national lockdown over one Covid case, the Guardian, 2021-08-17

Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals - Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants', RAIR Foundation, 2021-08-18

Kampen for frihet tar stadig nye former., Derimot, 2021-08-18

Stopping ‘spillover’ events key to preventing future pandemics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Medicine, 2021-08-??

The origins of SARS-CoV-2: A critical review, Cell, 2021-08-19

Tyskland: Sult eller vaksine?, Derimot, 2021-08-19

Between Sputnik V and BioNTech: Caught in vaccine limbo, DW, 2021-08-21

Can what you eat save you from COVID-19?, Jerusalem Post, 2021-08-22

Analyse av dødsfallene etter vaksinering i USA, Steigan, 2021-08-23

Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?, BMJ Opinion, 2021-08-23

Covid-19: Should doctors recommend treatments and vaccines when full data are not publicly available?, BMJ, 2021-08-24

COVID vaccines and blood clots: what researchers know so far, Nature, 2021-08-24

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections, medRXiv, 2021-08-25

Fullvaksinert kor reiste på tur og levde i «boble»: 22 av 31 fikk corona, ABCNyheter, 2021-08-25

Sykehjemsetaten: 60 smittede medarbeidere og beboere de siste ukene, VG, 2021-08-31

COVID-19 Pandemic: Health impact and Novel research, Toxicology report Special Issue, 2021-08-31

Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?, Toxicology Reports, 2021-08-31

Inflammation, Obesity, and COVID-19: Facts and Flaws, Obesity, 2021-08-31