April 2022

Facts about Covid, Swiss Policy Research Institute, 2022-04

Overcoming COVID-19 the Bhutanese Way, the Diplomat, 2022-04-01

Corporate-backed censorship does not keep us ‘safe’ - Public discourse is broken, HART, 2022-04-01

German man got COVID jab '87 times', DW, 2022-04-02

Vive La France! News from the International COVID Summit, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-04-02

'27M Covid vaccines to expire by July', Manila Times, 2022-04-03

Jan Terje Voilaas: Katastrofen som ble feid under krigsteppet, Steigan, 2022-04-03

Italias koronaledelse: – Lockdown hadde ingen virkning mot viruset!, Steigan, 2022-04-04

New Omicron Recombinant Seems To Be More Transmissible: WHO, the Wire, 2022-04-04

COVID-19: The endless search for the origins of the virus, Al Jazeera, 2022-04-05

Latest Pfizer document dump shows the company had to hire 2,400 new employees to handle wave of COVID “vaccine” adverse events, Vaccines.news, 2022-04-05

​​Drop in Life Expectancy 'Speaks Volumes' About How US Handled Covid: Expert, Common Dreams, 2022-04-08

Reglene om koronasertifikat blir forlenget til neste år om regjeringen får det som den vil, HeMaLi, 2022-04-09

Was Covid19 a re-branded flu?, Off-Guardian, 2022-04-12

Fuellmich teamer opp med toppadvokater og tar corona-bedraget for retten i USA, Nina Cappelen, 2022-04-14

Letter to the California Legislature, Off-Guardian, 2022-04-15

Why we can’t ‘boost’ our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic for the long term, the Conversation, 2022-04-15

Is Covid More Dangerous Than Driving? How Scientists Are Parsing Covid Risks., New York Times, 2022-04-17

The Great Covid Virus Debate, the Weston A. Price Foundation, 2022-04-17

Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe, Cureus, 2022-04-19

Populism vs. Davos Man during COVID, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-04-19

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2022-04-19

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents, JAMA Cardiology, 2022-04-20

The Vaccine Injury Compensation System for COVID has Failed, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-04-20

Arild Hervik: Pandemi-, krigs- og klimaspillet, Dagens Perspektiv, 2022-04-20

Forskning: Pfizer-vaksine risikerer å endre DNA, Steigan, 2022-04-21

Turkey’s pandemic hospitals brace for ‘post-COVID’ era, Daily Sabah, 2022-04-21

Hvorfor har rekordmange dødd av korona i 2022?, Faktisk, 2022-04-21

Tollef Hovig: Hvorfor er det å være vaxxer en kampsak for Rødt?, Steigan, 2022-04-22

Have People Been Given the Wrong Vaccine?, Brownstone Institute, 2022-04-22

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?, Surgical Neurology International, 2022-04-22

Ikke tilstrekkelig forberedt, Dagbladet, 2022-04-26

Forberedt på en annen pandemi, Dagbladet, 2022-04-26

High number of Strokes caused by the Covid-19 Vaccines may explain why so many of the Vaccinated are also going Blind, the Exposé, 2022-04-26

Court says UK’s nursing home COVID-19 policy was illegal, AP, 2022-04-27

Vaclav Smil: COVID: Excess Mortalities Two Years Later, IEEE Spectrum, 2022-04-28

Understanding Vaccine Safety and the Roles of the FDA and the CDC, NEJM, 2022-04-28

Eirik Værnes: Dystopi på høring, Steigan, 2022-04-29