4 juli - september

COVID-19: How early did it start?, China Daily, 2020-07-09

Nesten ingen påvist smittet på byen, toget, bussen eller offentlig sted, Aftenposten, 2020-07-10

Spike it, Again, Fallacy Files, 2020-07-15

Bare 15% av koronadødsfall skyldtes utelukkende koronaen, Derimot, 2020-08-29

Worries About Foreign ‘Hacking’ of Vaccine Research Place Corporate Profits Ahead of Public Health, FAIR, 2020-07-28

Overraskende fakta om koronadødsfall i USA, Steigan, 2020-09-01

Hva vil det si å være smittet?, Aftenposten, 2020-09-08

Operation Warp Speed promised to do the impossible. How far has it come?, STAT News, 2020-09-08

Why misinformation about COVID-19’s origins keeps going viral, National Geographic, 2020-09-18

Storbritannia: Nå dør ti ganger så mange av influensa og lungebetennelse som av covid. Men psykosen består., Steigan, 2020-09-19

Covid-related misinformation videos spread primarily through Facebook, as its fact-checkers fail to spot false information, finds new Oxford study, Oxford Internet Institute, 2020-09-21

UK’s “Daily Covid Deaths” didn’t die in one day & didn’t all have Covid, OffGuardian, 2020-09-24

Blaming China won't solve America's problems, China Daily, 2020-09-24

The US excess mortality rate from COVID-19 is substantially worse than Europe’s, VoxEU, 2020-09-29

Pandemic Memories and Mortalities, IEEE Spectrum, 2020-09-29

Andrew Gelman: Assessing Evidence vs. Truth in the Coronavirus Pandemic, Chance, 2020-09-??

Understanding COVID-19 in 2020 Through the Lens of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” Epidemic, CHANCE, 2020-09-??