06 - juni

Ny forskningsartikkel: Bekrefter at Pfitzer-vaksinen bl.a. kan forårsake Alzheimers, Derimot, 2021-06-01

Covid “Vaccines”: A Faltering Framework, Off-Guardian, 2021-06-01

SARS-Cov-2 Vaccines And Neurodegenerative Disease, Stephanie Seneff, 2021-06-01

Sosial nedstengning og suicidalitet hos ungdom, Psykologitidsskriftet, 2021-06-01

Mass vaccination succeeds in Brazil's small town: authorities, Xinhuanet, 2021-06-01

What’s the ‘Delta plus’ variant? And can it escape vaccines? An expert explains, the Conversation, 2021-06-02

Nå er det vaksinen som dreper – ikke sykdommen, Derimot, 2021-06-02

Is the Second Shot Giving Young Men a Dangerous Heart Condition?, New York Magazine, 2021-06-02

World Insights: Claims of "steady progress on vaccinations" mask wide-spread hesitancy across Europe, Xinhuanet, 2021-06-03

Knut Martin fikk bekreftet vaksinetime og covid-19 samtidig: – Det ble litt tragikomisk, ABC Nyheter, 2021-06-05

Drikk din malurt, Steigan, 2021-06-05

‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage, Lew Rockwell, 2021-06-05

Bret Weinstein: Why we should welcome the lab leak hypothesis, Unherd, 2021-06-05

Mann i 70-årene døde dagen etter at han fikk tredje vaksinedose, VG, 2021-06-06

De usanne tallene om Covid-dødsfall, Steigan, 2021-06-06

UiO-forskar rasar mot Noregs «drakoniske» karanteneordningar, Khrono, 2021-06-06

En scenarioøvelse fra 2010 som du vil dra kjensel på, Steigan, 2021-06-07

Danske læger advarer: Risikabelt og unødvendigt at vaccinere raske børn, Indblik, 2021-06-07

Vaccine Euphoria, Off-Guardian, 2021-06-13

Godfree Roberts: A Covid Timeline, 1943-2021, Unz Review, 2021-06-14

A Doc Who Helped End Smallpox Says COVID’s Here to Stay, Daily Beast, 2021-06-15

Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien, Steigan, 2021-06-17

Anders Bugge: Vi må ta debatten om ivermectin, Aftenposten, 2021-06-18

Leger oppgitt over ensidig fokus på vaksiner: Mener omstridt medisin kunne bremset covid-19, Aftenposten, 2021-06-18

Manglende evne til å lære fra erfaring, Midt i fleisen, 2021-06-20

Lidiya Angelova: How to Prove That SARS-CoV-2 Causes COVID-19, Genuineprospect, 2021-06-21

Så måtte norske helsemyndigheter krype til korset, Steigan, 2021-06-21

UP Village Prays to 'Goddess Corona' to Rid Them of the Virus, the Wire, 2021-06-12

COVID lab-leak theory: ‘rare’ genetic sequence doesn’t mean the virus was engineered, the Conversation, 2021-06-22

When a Good Scientist Is the Wrong Source, Nautilus, 2021-06-23

Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination, CDC, 2021-06-23

BioNTech and Moderna: Heart inflammation after mRNA vaccinations,DW, 021-06-24

Here’s all the data on myocarditis cases linked to COVID-19 vaccines, ARS Technica, 2021-06-25

Zeynep Tufekci: Where Did the Coronavirus Come From? What We Already Know Is Troubling, New York Times, 2021-06-25

Covid 19 coronavirus: Singapore's surprising new plan to 'live with' virus, New Zealand Herald, 2021-06-26

The neuroscience behind why your brain may need time to adjust to ‘un-social distancing’, the Conversation, 2021-06-28

Christopher Lien: Årets modigste bok?, Steigan, 2021-06-29

Begravelsesbyråene er i en helt ny situasjon: – Dette hadde jeg aldri trodd, Adressa, 2021-06-29

Kvinner over hele verden melder om mens-endringer etter koronavaksine. Det blir avvist som anekdotisk, Aftenposten, 2021-06-30

Covid’s dark winter: How bio war-gaming robbed us of our liberty, Conservative Woman, 2021-06-30

Google updates Passes API to store COVID vaccination and testing information on Android devices, Google Developers, 2021-06-30