Mars 2023

Do Masks Work? It’s a Question of Physics, Biology, and Behavior, Undark, 2023-03-02

“Vaksine-kulten”: den gudommelige vaksinen, Foreningen Lov og Helse, 2023-03-03

Jarle Aarstad: 20 millioner liv spart pga. koronavaksinasjon er usannsynlig – la det ikke bli en vandrehistorie, Jarle's Substack, 2023-03-04

Thomas Fazi: How the WHO was captured, UnHerd, 2023-03-06

Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-03-10

Jarle Aarstad: Nakstad og Folkehelseinstituttets slakt, Jarle's Substack, 2023-03-14

Thomas Fazi: Germany’s Health Minister changes tune on vaccine injuries, the Post, 2023-03-15

Christian Parenti: How Covid lockdowns primed the current financial crisis, Grayzone, 2023-03-15

Millions of Avoidable Deaths from COVID-19, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-03-16

Norman Fentons analyse: vaksinert vs. uvaksinert i UK, Foreningen Lov og Helse, 2023-03-17

Lager arbeidsgruppe for de vaksine-skadde: – De må tas på alvor!, HeMaLi, 2023-03-18

Vaksinasjon, overdødelighet og VGs etterrettelighet, Jarle's blog, 2023-03-21

Further Insights into Covid-19 Etiology and Susceptibility, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-03-22

Serious harms of the COVID-19 vaccines: a systematic review, MedRXiv, 2023-03-23

Ungdomspsykolog etter pandemien: – Den suverent mest krevende høsten jeg har opplevd på videregående skoler., Adressa, 2023-03-23

Kit Knightly: 40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid”, Off-Guardian, 2023-03-24

End of a Declared Public Health Emergency — Implications for U.S. Emergency Use Authorizations, NEJM, 2023-03-25

Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2023-03-30