Konsekvenser - Mai

'It feels like nobody cares': the Americans living without running water amid Covid-19, the Guardian, 2020-05-01

Birdsong has risen like a tide of hope from our silenced cities. Is it here to stay?, the Guardian, 2020-05-02

US’ 2nd ‘Vietnam Syndrome’, Daily Sabah, 2020-05-02

The Eurozone in Crisis, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2020-05-04

Cold War chill sweeps through China and the US, Asia Times, 2020-05-05

Coronavirus crisis changing Japan's work culture, DW, 2020-05-06

The COVID-19 crisis has already left too many children hungry in America, Brookings, 2020-05-06

Will the coronavirus crisis finally spell the end of cash payments in Germany?, DW, 2020-05-07

Neoliberalism is over – welcome to the era of neo-illiberalism, OpenDemocracy, 2020-05-07

The Pandemic Is Bringing Back Single-Use Plastics In a Huge Way, Vice News, 2020-05-09

Coronavirus lockdown means some US college students are paying US$70,000 for Zoom classes, SCMP, 2020-05-10

Coronavirus Could Finally Kill the U.S. Postal Service, Vice News, 2020-05-10

Riyadh slashes welfare as oil and coronavirus effects kick in, DW, 2020-05-11

Korona har fått akademikerne til å gå i hi. Kommer de til å dukke opp igjen?, Khrono, 2020-05-12

Ny studie: Nesten tredobling av angst– og depresjonssymptomer under koronatiltakene, NRK, 20220-05-13

Poll: 37% of unemployed Americans ran out of food in past month, Detroit News, 2020-05-14

Twitter Employees Can Opt-Out of Office Life – Forever, Daily HODL, 2020-05-14

The US needs Chinese students, Asia Times, 2020-05-15

Coronavirus and the prospect of mass involuntary euthanasia, Al Jazeera, 2020-05-16

Sult truer millioner av amerikanere, ABC Nyheter, 2020-05-17

Coronavirus could push Social Security to insolvency before 2030, Politico, 2020-05-17

Pliktoppfyllende elever vasker hendene til blods. Nå endrer FHI vaskerådene, Adressa, 2020-05-18

Vi vasker hender minst syv ganger på skolen, sier Klara Lukacova (9). Pliktoppfyllende elever vasker hendene til blods., Aftenposten, 2020-05-18

How the pandemic has changed the natural world, illustrated, Politico, 2020-05-19

Coronavirus stifles Eid al-Fitr celebrations, DW, 2020-05-20

'Make in India' looking to take on China's tech industry, DW, 2020-05-20

How working from home is changing our economy forever, OUPBlog, 2020-05-21

Stroke, heart-attack cases plummet during pandemic, Harvard Gazette, 2020-05-22

SAS-passasjer (35) besvimte bak munnbind. Ble reddet av jordmor på raden bak, Aftenposten, 2020-05-22

Japan looks for love online amid coronavirus crisis, DW, 2020-05-25

Death And The Pandemic Economy, Econospeak, 2020-05-28

Why Americans are tiring of social distancing and hand-washing – 2 behavioral scientists explain, the Converstation, 2020-05-28

Coronavirus: No more shared karaoke booths and massage chairs in China as Covid-19 takes the shine off sharing economy, SCMP, 2020-05-30

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a crisis in the UK universities, VoxEU, 2020-05-31