Juli 2022

Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional, Mercola, 2022-07-02 (PDF)

Den gode, den onde, den grusomme og Vaccinebivirkninger kan behandles, Vitalrådet, 2022-07-04

Delayed care in Covid cost at least 320,000 years of life: RIVM, NL Times, 2022-07-05

How Pfizer Won the Pandemic, Reaping Outsize Profit and Influence, Kaiser Health News, 2022-07-05

Did COVID vaccine mandates work? What the data say, Nature, 2022-07-06

Glenn Richard Bergstø: Stol på ekspertene!, Steigan, 2022-07-07

FHI-overlege: – En tabbe å stenge ned skolene, NRK, 2022-07-07

Covid learning loss has been a global disaster, the Economist, 2022-07-07

FHI-overlege: – En tabbe å stenge ned skolene, Steigan, 2022-07-08

Imperial fantasy of 20 million lives saved, HART, 2022-07-08

CDC: Deaths from antibiotic-resistant ‘super bugs’ rose 15% during pandemic, Digital Journal, 2022-07-14

Vaksinens effekt mot smitte og mild sykdom er nå helt borte, Dagsavisen, 2022-07-13

Glenn Richard Bergstø: Faktasjekk: Reddet “vaksinen” 20 millioner mennesker?, Steigan, 20022-07-17

Nå må den ene covid-påstanden etter den andre forandres og omskrives, Derimot, 2022-07-17

The WHO Review and why it matters to you, PANDA, 2022-07-18 (PDF)

Former Pharma VP claims COVID-19 narratives are false, leaky jab was deliberate, NaturalHealth365, 2022-07-18

Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic, Nature Scientific Reports, 2022-07-18

Kolonier av bakterier og sopp samler seg på ansiktsmasker, Steigan, 2022-07-20

Laundering the death numbers, HART, 2020-07-20

Whose interests do drug Regulators represent?, HART, 2020-07-20

Send in the HHS clowns, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-07-21

They’re bringing COVID back…& this time its permanent, Off-Guardian, 2022-07-22

WHO declares monkeypox an international health emergency, Politico, 2022-07-23

Margrethe Salvesen: Hvem står bak de globale helsekrisene vi plutselig stadig blir rammet av? Sist ute – apekopper, Steigan, 2022-07-24

WHO slår alarm: – Apekoppar er ei global helsekrise, NRK, 2022-07-24

Eirik Værnes: Dødssyndromet, Steigan, 2022-07-25

COVID-19: Time to put people ahead of politics, Insight+, 2022-07-25

How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans, Washington Free Beacon, 2022-07-27

Three myths about COVID-19 — and the biggest challenge that lies ahead, ABC News, 2022-07-28

Evaluating potential unintended consequences of COVID-19 vaccine mandates and passports, BMJ Global Health, 2022-07-29

Are Lockdowns Effective in Managing Pandemics?, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022-07-29

Hør motstemmene fra Dolomittene!, HeMaLi, 2022-07-31