0 - Generelt

Influenza pandemics, Wikipedia

Introduction to viruses, Wikipedia

Plague in the Ancient & Medieval World, Ancient History Encyclopedia

Christian 4.s tid: Administrative, medisinske og religiøse tiltak mot pest, Nationalbiblioteket

Coronaviridae, Wikipedia

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Wikipedia

Richard M. Krause: Dynamics of Emergence, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1984-08 (JSTOR)

Reflections on the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccination Program, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2006-01

Swine Flu Fiasco, New York Times, 1976-12-21

Interpretation by Physicians of Clinical Laboratory Results, NEJM, 1978-11-02

R. Edgar Hope-Simpson: The Transmission of Epidemic Influenza, Springer-Link, 1992

Influenza, the Lancet, 2003-11-22

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t, New York Times, 2007-01-22

The Swine Flu Episode and the Fog of Epidemics, CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2006-01

At Law: Swine Flu Vaccine: What Is Fair?, the Hastings Center Report, 2009-09…(JSTOR)

What is a pandemic?, WHO, 2010-02-24

Portrait of a year-old pandemic, Nature, 2010-04-21

Vaksine-troverdighet i grus, Forskning.no, 2010-06-15

Dødelighet, letalitet eller mortalitet?, Tidskriftet, 2011-11-29

R0 - Basic reproduction number, Wikipedia

How pandemics spread, YouTube, 2012-03-11

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The Reemergent 1977 H1N1 Strain and the Gain-of-Function Debate, mBio, 2015-08-18

The Long Shadow of the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine ‘Fiasco’, Smithsonian Magazine, 2017-02-06

Seasonal flu death estimate increases worldwide, CDC, 2017-12-13

Estimates of global seasonal influenza-associated respiratory mortality: a modelling study, the Lancet, 2018-03-31

Rekordmange eldre innlagt på sykehus med influensa vinteren 2017/2018, FHI, 2018-10-10

The Black Death Was The Worst Pandemic In Human History, So How Did It Finally End?, All Thats Interesting, 2020-04-07

Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it, WHO, 2020-??-??

How to fight an infodemic, the Lancet, 2020-02-29

The top 10 causes of death, WHO, 2018-05-24

The Black Death (The Plague) - Full History Documentary, YouTube, 2019-02-24

The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever, History Today, 2005-03

2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary Burden Estimates, CDC, ????-??-??

Are Viruses Alive?, Scientific American, 2008-08-08

Wendy Orent: How plagues really work, Aeon, 2014-08-22


Ny nasjonal beredskapsplan mot pandemisk influensa, Regjeringen, 2014-12-16

Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year, WHO, 2017-12-13

Learn How Virus Replication Occurs, ThoughtCo, 2018-05-15

Influenza (Seasonal), WHO, 2018-11-06

Marie Nilsen, Torgeir Kolstø Haavik og Petter Almklov: Social Capital and Disaster Resilience, NTNU Samfunnsforskning, 2019

7 Facts About Viruses, ThoughtCo, 2019-01-04

Anatomy and Structure of Viruses, ThoughtCo, 2019-07-29

Tar ikke høyde for å bekjempe smittsomme sykdommer, Dagbladet, 2019-09-04

2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, Wikipedia

Decoy Molecule Neutralizes a Range of Viruses, Weizmann Institute of science, 2020-01-07

8 tips on what to tell your kids about coronavirus, the Conversation, 2020-03-11

Difference Between Coronavirus and Covid 19, DifferenceBetween.com, 2020-03-12

Learning microbiology through comics, OUPBlog; 2020-03-13

Koronavirus – beslutninger og anbefalinger, Helsedirektoratet, 2020-03-??

Myndigheterna om det nya coronaviruset, krisinformation.se, 2020-03-13

2020 coronavirus pandemic in Japan, Wikipedia

The 12 deadliest viruses on Earth, LiveScience, 2020-03-04

20 of the worst epidemics and pandemics in history, LiveScience, 2020-03-20

Hva er et virus – og hvordan skiller det nye coronaviruset seg ut?, ABCNyheter, 2020-03-18

The Tip of the Iceberg: Virologist David Ho (BS '74) Speaks About COVID-19, Caltech News, 2020-03-20

WHO: Tuberculosis is the world’s deadliest infectious disease, DW, 2020-03-24

Coronaviruset: Historien gjentar seg, UiT helseblogg, 2020-03-??

Pandemics of the Past and Future: A Conversation with Nobelist David Baltimore, Caltech News, 2020-04-17

Putting the Public Back in Public Health — Surveying Symptoms of Covid-19, NEJM, 2020-06-05

Historical Insights on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, and Racial Disparities: Illuminating a Path Forward, Annals of Internal medicine, 2020-06-05

Scientists around the world are already fighting the next pandemic, the Conversation, 2020-06-09

Why global crises are political, not scientific, problems, OUP Blog, 2020-06-11

‘Before a tsunami hits’, Harvard Gazette, 2020-07-17

Into the unknown: virus hunters and their quest to stop the next pandemic, SCMP, 2020-08-20

Hva vil det si å være smittet?, Aftenposten, 2020-09-08

How three prior pandemics triggered massive societal shifts, the Conversation, 2020-10-01

Ingen overdødelighet i 2020, SSB, 2021-03-11

The main public health tool during 1918 pandemic? Social distancing, Harvard Gazette, 2021-03-25

Steve Moretti: Six Centuries of Quarantines, History of Yesterday, 2021-03-31

Ivan Erill: Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we know it, the Conversation, 2021-09-19

It Took 35 years to Get a Malaria Vaccine. Why?, Undark, 2022-05-25

Wendy Orent: A Pandemic Playbook, Open Mind, 2022-08-04

Ivan Erill: Viruses may be ‘watching’ you – some microbes lie in wait until their hosts unknowingly give them the signal to start multiplying and kill them, the Conversation, 2022-09-15