10 - oktober

Optimalt immunforsvar? Få i deg dette!, HeMaLi, 2021-10-03

Midlertidig krisejus blir til varige endringer, Panorama, 2021-10-04

Ny studie: Det kan ikke påvises at høy grad av vaksinering gir nedgang i covid-19, Steigan, 2021-10-04

Double Vaccinated Emmy Winner Dies of Covid-19 Two Weeks After Attending Award Ceremony with Unmasked Celebrities, Gateway Pundit, 2021-10-04

How to end the pandemic: The case for eradication, WSWS, 2021-10-05

Användningen av Modernas vaccin mot covid-19 pausas för alla som är födda 1991 och senare, Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2021-10-06

Sweden, Denmark pause Moderna COVID jabs for younger age groups, Al Jazeera, 2021-10-06

Cloth vs N95: Which coronavirus mask should you wear?, Al Jazeera, 2021-10-06

Er det egentlig forsvarlig å koronavaksinere barn?, Steigan, 2021-10-07

Pandemiplanene som ble trukket ut av en skuff, Midt i Fleisen,2021-10-07

Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?, Toxicology Report, 2021-10-07

The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey, Jon Rapoport, 2021-10-07

Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lancet, 2021-10-08

Høy dødelighet i de ledende vaksinelandene, Steigan, 2021-10-09

Pandemien var godt forberedt i lang tid, Derimot, 2021-10-10

Nettverkene som skapte pandemien, Steigan, 2021-10-10

Advokat: De reelle dødstallene etter vaksinering i USA er langt høyere enn de offisielle., Derimot, 2021-10-12

Covid response ‘one of UK’s worst ever public health failures’, the Guardian, 2021-10-12

COVID vaccine makers have a disturbing track record of criminal and civil liability, LifeSite News, 2021-10-14

SARS-CoV-2 — Begynnelsen, Steigan, 2021-10-16

Vitnemål fra vaksineskadde i Israel, Steigan, 2021-10-16

700,000 Covid-19 Deaths: Time for a Change in Treatment Strategy, Orthomolucular News Service, 2021-10-17

141 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted, Brownstone Institute, 2021-10-17

Svensk lege og hans kone om hvorfor de ikke vil la sin 13-åring bli vaksinert, Steigan, 2021-10-18

Psychosis cases soar in England as pandemic hits mental health, the Guardian, 2021-10-18

False Positivism - Why “planetary computation” and “data-driven governance” will not solve the world’s problems, Real Life Magazine, 2021-10-18

What is an infodemic and how can we prevent it?: a Lifeology and Cochrane collaboration, Cochrane, 2021-10-19

Klart ökad dödlighet i EU, framför allt bland yngre, trots massvaccinationen, CheckFact, 2021-10-20

What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya On 19 Months Of COVID, Hoover Institution, 2021-10-21

Highly vaccinated Singapore sets a worrying example, Asia Times, 2021-10-22

Som å tro på julenissen at dette vil gå over av seg selv, TV2, 2021-10-23

Legemiddelindustrien er dypt involvert i studiene de betaler for, Steigan, 2021-10-24

Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months: A Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study, the Lancet Preprint (SSRN), 2021-10-25

Margrethe Salvesen: Covid-19 vaksinerte smitter like mye som uvaksinerte, Steigan, 2021-10-25

WHO:s vaccinationsplan 2015-2020 – idén om att vaccinera alla medborgare inte ny, CheckFact, 2021-10-26

17 180 meldinger om bivirkninger ikke behandlet. Legemiddelverket ønsker neppe å bli à jour., HeMaLi, 2021-10-26

Waning Immunity after the BNT162b2 Vaccine in Israel, NEJM, 2021-10-27

FHI-leger ba forsker endre i konklusjonen i korona­studie, Khrono, 2021-10-27

Må det innføres tvangsvaksinering for å beskytte de vaksinerte?, Derimot, 2021-10-27

We Ask Dr. Fauci About What He's Planning For The Next Pandemic, the Onion, 2021-10-27

"Master of newspeak 2021" - Bent Høie, Argument Agder, 2021-10-28

22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population, Brownstone Institute, 2021-10-28

Vi har ingen viruspandemi, vi har en testpandemi, FactCheck, 2021-10-28

This Is Not a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated, Brownstone Institute, 2021-10-29

Diebarn blir sjuke og dør av vaksinen som moren tar, Steigan, 2021-10-29

Kejsaren är naken, vaccinen i princip verkningslösa och effektiv behandling mot covid finns, CheckFact, 2021-10-29

Vaccine mandates likened to Holocaust in Kansas legislative hearing, LJWorld, 2021-10-29

Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study, the Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2021-10-29

Medlemmer av EU-parlamentet fordømmer koronapassene, Steigan, 2021-10-30

Høyere sykehusinnleggelsestall etter at vaksineringen begynte, Steigan, 2021-10-31