07 - juli

Forskning: For å hindre tre dødsfall må man være villig til å risikere to døde av vaksinene, Steigan, 2021-07-01

Fra pandemi til ny normal, Steigan, 2021-07-02

Margit Vea: Krigen mot folkehelsen, Steigan, 2021-07-04

Dark Winter – pandemiøvelsene som stjal våre rettigheter, Steigan, 2021-07-05

The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review (Preprint), Zenodo, 2021-07-07

Drugmakers’ Spending on Stock, Dividends and Executive Pay Exceeds Research, Democrats Say, Kaiser Health News, 2021-07-09

Assessing the Delta variant, Harvard Gazette, 2021-07-09

Comirnaty and Spikevax: possible link to very rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, EMA, 2021-07-09

WHO sees 'likely' COVID vaccine link to rare heart inflammation, MedicalXpress, 2021-07-10

Coronavirus digest: Elderly Belgian woman infected with two variants at once, DW, 2021-07-11

Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?, Arutz Sheva, 2021-07-13

Vaksineringen bør pauses (Åpent brev til Statsministeren fra Fylkespolitiker 1. juli 2021), Steigan, 2021-07-14

Global Vaccine Passports Have Arrived Courtesy of Google, EU, Off-Guardian, 2021-07-14

Tyranniets teater – The rape of the mind, Steigan, 2021-07-14

Det er ikke frivillig lenger, Derimot, 2021-07-14

Letter to the editor: Downtown propaganda is ‘newspeak’, Morgan Hills Times, 2021-07-14

Deaths from COVID ‘incredibly rare’ among children, Nature, 2021-07-15

Stormen som nærmer seg, Midt i Fleisen, 2021-07-16

Yeadon Sums It Up, Off-Guardian, 2021-07-17

Bjørn Grinde: Sannhet er oppskrytt. Det lønner seg ikke alltid å være ærlig, Aftenposten, 2021-07-17

Om psykologien bak konspirasjons-benekting, Midt i Fleisen, 2021-07-18

The environmental toll of disposable masks, MIT News, 2021-07-20

Fakta om Covid-19, Steigan, 2021-07-22

Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?, BMJ Opinion, 2021-07-23

Smittevernloven – loven over alle lover, Steigan, 2021-07-25

Norge: Med tradisjon for barn og unge som forsøksrotter, Steigan, 2021-07-26

Kapitalismens krise er drivkrafta i koronakrisa, Steigan, 2021-07-27

Explainer: What is the Lambda coronavirus variant?, Al jazeera, 2021-07-27

Den nye PCR-testen fra USA blir like misvisende som den som blir trukket, Steigan, 2021-07-27

The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous, Rumble, 2021-07-28

Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Technology, Signals the Worst-Case Scenario About Covid-19 Vaccines, Ghion Journal, 2021-07-30

CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated, CNBC, 2021-07-30

COVID-10 Coronvirus Data Dashboard, Information is beatutiful, 2021-07-31

Different types of COVID-19 vaccines: How they work, Mayo Clinic, 2021-07-31

RW Malone MD, LCC The True Story of How mRNA Vaccination was Invented (Perma.cc)

Robert W. Malone: Bioethics of Experimental COVID Vaccine Deployment under EUA: It’s time we stop and look at what’s going down., TrialSite News, 2021-05-30 (Perma.cc)

Jill Malone:Three minutes of fame: so use it to do good..., 2021-07-04 (Perma.cc) (Archive Today)

Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Vaccine Inventor, on the Bioethics of Experimental Vaccines and the ‘Ultimate Gaslighting’, the Epoch Times, 2021-07-07 (PDF Transcript enclosed)

Oppfinneren av mRNA-teknologien blir rensket ut fra nettet, Steigan, 2021-07-09

The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous, Rumble, 2021-07-28