September 2023

nyeste først:

Angus Dalgleish: mRNA ‘vaccines’ must be banned once and for all, Conservative Woman, 2023-09-29

 Philips Kept Complaints About Dangerous Breathing Machines Secret While Company Profits Soared, ProPublica, 2023-09-27

Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome: Rapid Resolution with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-09-27

What you need to know about Covid as new variant rises, BBC News, 2023-09-24

Concerns over the covid mRNA injections keep coming, HART, 2023-09-14

Piggprotein skaper sykdom, både fra virus og fra mRNA-vaksine, HeMaLi, 2023-09-13

Have we only seen the tip of the iceberg for mRNA vaccine harms?, HART, 2023-09-05

Jan Raa: Ny runde med mRNA-vaksinering – mot en ufarlig variant av koronaviruset, 2023-09-04

Behandling af følger efter Covid-19 og skader efter mRNA-vacciner, Vitalraadet, 2023-09-20

Smitten er tilbake: – Vi ser starten på et nytt koronautbrudd, NRK, 2023-09-20

46 Pages FOIAed Emails Between CDC Leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and White House, NIH, HHS, Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, a Blood Clotting Disorder. Emails Over 80% Redacted.,DailyClout, 2023-09-20

FHI med nye funn om blødningsforstyrrelser etter coronavaksine, VG, 2023-09-22

Kjetil Tveit: Dramatisk: Befolkningen reduseres i «begge ender», Steigan, 2023-09-24

Turbokreft hos unge fra 18 til 24 etter vaksine, Steigan, 2023-09-24

Biodistribution of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in human breast milk, the Lancet, 2023-09-19