Mars 2022

Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup, Who Is Robert Malone, 2022-03-01

Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study, Udumbara, 2022-03-02

Pfizers egne dokumenter gir et rystende bilde: 1200 dødsfall på 90 dager og genetiske skader, Steigan, 2022-03-03

​​Koronaregler: Når smittevern blir uforståelig, Steigan, 2022-03-04

Vaccine Damage: the human cost of rushed-to-market products, HART, 2022-03-04

Nå kommer vaksine-skader og dødsfall - Hvem betaler?, Derimot, 2022-03-05

Høringssvar fra Morten Walløe Tvedt, førsteamanuensis i rettsvitenskap, Høyskolen i Molde: Koronasertifikatet tar frihet fra enhver i Norge,, 2022-03-04

The Epidemic of Covid Complacency, Ground Truths, 2022-03-06

New Zeeland: Stadig flere fullvaksinerte legges inn med Covid-19, Derimot, 222-03-07

The Lancet Paper Adverse Events are not Insignificant, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-03-08

The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC, Health Impact News, 2022-03-09

CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns, Health Impact News, 2022-03-09

Deaths fall among Unvaccinated but rise among Fully Vaccinated, with Triple Jabbed now accounting for 8 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England, the Exposé, 2022-03-10

We cannot afford to repeat these four pandemic mistakes, BMJ, 2022-03-10

The story of patient 11281009 in the Pfizer trial, HART, 2022-03-11

America’s new dystopian normal, Al Jazeera, 2022-03-12

Fullvaksinerte utgjør det store flertallet av covid-sjuke og døde i Storbritannia, Steigan, 2022-03-13

Antigenic evolution will lead to new SARS-CoV-2 variants with unpredictable severity, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2022-03-14

Blødningsforstyrrelser etter vaksinen: − Vi må bli tatt på alvor, VG, 2022-03-16

The illusion of evidence based medicine, BMJ, 2022-03-16

COVID Antibodies Discovered In Blood Samples From Before The Outbreak, GreatGameIndia, 2022-03-17

Pandemic and Poverty: COVID-19 Impact on the World’s Poor, Reliefweb, 2022-03-17

Reginald M.J. Oduor: Reflections on Medical Ethics in the Era of COVID-19, the Elephant: 2022-03-18

How can they explain any of this data?, Steve Kirsch's newsletter, 2022-03-18

Terje Sørensen: Folkehelseinstituttet har endret ordningen for registrering av covid-19-assosierte dødsfall – hvorfor?, Steigan, 2022-03-20

Tvangsvaksinering kan bli en realitet i Norge, Steigan, 2022-03-20

Pfizer CEO Pushes Yearly Shots for Covid. Not So Fast, Experts Say., Kaiser Health News, 2022-03-21

CDC Deletes 24 Percent Of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Blames Coding Error, GreatGameIndia, 2022-03-22

Narrativene og smittebølgene – desember 2021, Foreningen Lov og Helse, 2022-03-23

Vaksinene er hverken trygge eller effektive, Derimot, 2022-03-24

Trying to Solve a Covid Mystery: Africa’s Low Death Rates, New York Times, 2022-03-23

IgA antibodies seem to protect unvaccinated against COVID-19, EurekaAlert, 2022-03-24

Verden trenger rådata om covid-19 vaksiner og behandlinger, NHI, 2022-03-24

Uncovering the Corona Narrative, Who Is Robert Malone, 2022-03-25

Globalist COVID policies have caused a Worldwide Education Crisis, Who Is Robert Malone, 2022-03-25

What a Single Metric Tells Us About the Pandemic, New York Magazine, 2022-03-26

Nyoppstått komplisert hodepine etter Covid-19-vaksine (CovaxHEAD), Oslo Universitetssykehus, 2022-03-28

Meldte mistenkte bivirkninger av koronavaksiner pr. 29.03.2022, Statens Legemiddelverk, 2022-03-29 (PDF)

Christian Parenti: How the organized Left got Covid wrong, learned to love lockdowns and lost its mind: an autopsy, Grayzone, 2022-03-31

John Mercola: The Chilling Reason They Won’t Declare the Pandemic Over?, Epoch Times, 2022-03-30

Malcolm Roberts Drops Bombshells In Senate After Covid Under Question Inquiry, One Nation, 2022-03-30

How Japan survived covid-19, BMJ, 2022-03-31