Uke 13 (23.-29.mars)

Dette er ikke den siste pesten, VG, 2020-03-23

Koronakrise – et gløtt inn i framtiden!, Tollef Hovig i, 2020-03-23

Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: ‘We’re going to be fine’, Los Angeles Times, 2020-03-23

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19, Swiss Propaganda Research, 2020-03-23

Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause, OffGuardian, 2020-03-23

The coronavirus looks less deadly than first reported, but it’s definitely not ‘just a flu’, the Conversation, 2020-03-23

Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal står på sitt – vil ikke følge nasjonale karanteneregler, Aftenposten, 2020-03-24

«Det er uro ute i befolkningen». Slik gikk diskusjonen da Norge ble stengt ned, Aftenposten, 2020-03-24

Du kan ikke dra på hytta, men campingvogna og bobilen er lov, NRK, 2020-03-24

Japan’s winning its quiet fight against Covid-19, Asia Times, 2020-03-24

As virus cases surge, Tokyo governor says lockdown may be only way to stem rise, Japan Times, 2020-03-24

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic, OffGuardian, 2020-03-24

Up to 30% of coronavirus cases asymptomatic, DW, 2020-03-24

COVID-19: China steps in to help Italy battle the virus, DW, 2020-03-24

One Root Cause of Pandemics Few People Think About, Scientific American, 2020-03-24

Om å holde hodet kaldt, Pål Steigan, 2020-03-24

Will inequality worsen the toll of the pandemic in the U.S.?, Harvard Gazette, 2020-03-24

Finland har bygd opp kriselager - Norge har bygd ned, Vårt Land, 2020-03-24

Da Norge ble stengt, hytteturer frarådet og 225.000 sendt til NAV, var 99,5 prosent av alle nordmenn helt friske for koronaviruset, Aftenposten, 2020-03-25

Erna Solberg taus om hjelp fra Kina, Dagsrevyen støtter hennes agenda, Steigan, 2020-03-25

Japan coronavirus task force may set stage for state of emergency, Japan Times, 2020-03-26

Who benefits from the pandemic?, Asia Times, 2020-03-26

What we’ve learned about the coronavirus — and what we still need to know, STAT, 2020-03-26

Hytteforbudet fører til raskere smittespredning, Per Espen Fjeld i Aftenposten, 2020-03-26

A.I. Versus the Coronavirus, New York Times, 2020-03-26

On-again, off-again looks to be best social-distancing option, Harvard Gazette, 2020-03-27

'Confusion': Imperial College scientist says 500K coronavirus death projection in UK remains unchanged, Washington Examiner, 2020-03-27

South Korea reveals how to win Covid-19 war, Asia Times, 2020-03-27

Life in an epidemic of disinformation, Asia Times, 2020-03-27

Coronavirus: Who cares about stocks when people are dying?, DW, 2020-03-27

Turen tar vanligvis halvannen time: Brukte 10 timer på å frakte korona-pasient, NRK Norland, 2020-03-27

10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic, OffGuardian, 2020-03-28

We Can Safely Restart the Economy in June. Here’s How., New York Times, 2020-03-28

Expert: Cases of asymptomatic patients low in China, China Daily, 2020-03-29

Reagerer på regjeringens nødrespirator-bestilling: «Kunnskapsløshet forkledd som handlekraft», NRK, 2021-03-31