Circa 1820- Campbell-Russell House

The Campbell-Russell House was built around 1820.

Location: 11214 Kingston Pike, Knoxville

This house is on the southwest corner of Kingston Pike and Concord Road. If you're looking from Kingston Pike, it is directly behind a Krispy Kreme doughnut store.

The Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission has a web page for its Southwest County Sector Plan. The following information comes from that page:

"The John Campbell-Matt Russell House at 11200 Kingston Pike is a two-story brick home in the Federal style. John Campbell, the founder of Campbell’s Station, built the home circa 1820. During the Civil War, the Campbell-Russell House served as a Union hospital." (The KGIS Maps website has the house number as 11214.)

The Knox County MPC website has a decent picture of the house at the link above.