Circa 1810- Old Little Flat Creek Baptist, or Weaver Family, Cemetery

Old Little Flat Creek Baptist Church Cemetery dates from around 1810. The Knox County GIS website calls it the Weaver Family Cemetery, while the cemetery database compiled by Robert McGinnis calls it the Old Little Flat Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.

Location: At the intersection of Emory Road and Graves Lane, about 1.4 miles west of Corryton Road. I need to get the exact street address.

Info Source: Robert McGinnis' cemetery database.

Apparently, the Old Little Flat Creek Baptist Church was built in 1797, and it was still standing near the cemetery in 1991. This is according to the Knox County Two Centuries Photograph Collection, which is part of the Knox County Public Library's Calvin McClung Historical Collection. See the picture of the church on that site here. I don't know if anything is left of the church building now, but I intend to find out.

The cemetery is very overgrown, and I was only able to find two grave markers, as you can see in the pictures below. In the center of the first and fourth pictures, you can just see the tip of one marker sticking up. The two close-up shots at the bottom reveal three names on it: Mary, wife of N. Gibbs, 1809-1835; N. Gibbs himself; and on the other side, Charlotte, daughter of N. & M. Gibbs, Aged 12 Yrs. (no dates given for her). The other marker is for Stephen M. Skaggs, born September 7, 1792, and died July 6, 1851.

I have a feeling that N. Gibbs may have been related to Nicholas Gibbs, an early settler whose house still stands on Emory Road, further west of this cemetery. I also have a feeling that Stephen M. Skaggs may be related to the community of Skaggston, about 5 or 6 miles southeast of this cemetery, on the opposite side of House Mountain, on Rutledge Pike. I will try to find out and will report back here.