1804-1806- Statesview

Statesview, the home of Charles McClung, was built between 1804 and 1806 and rebuilt in 1823.

Location: Peters Road, south of Kingston Pike, at the top of a hill.

There is a historic marker for Statesview, and it's located at the intersection of Kingston Pike and Ebenezer Road, about a mile north of the house. I assume it was placed there because it would have more visibility than if it had been placed in front of the actual house. Here is what the marker says:

"States’ View"

"One mile south, Charles McClung erected his brick home about 1806. McClung laid out the city of Knoxville in 1791 on the site of White’s Fort, was on the committee to draft Tennessee’s first Constitution, and was a charter trustee of Blount College, now the University of Tennessee. The house was partially destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1823."