1786- James White Fort

Built circa 1786

Current location: 305 East Hill Avenue

The northwest corner of Hill Avenue and Hall of Fame Drive in downtown Knoxville.

The fort was originally located near what is now the intersection of Clinch Avenue and State Street in downtown Knoxville.

From what I can tell, the two-story log house and kitchen are the only original parts of the fort remaining. The log house was actually moved in 1906 to Woodlawn Pike, a street in south Knoxville. In 1968, it was relocated and reconstructed in its current location. According to knoxheritage.org, only parts of the original log house are incorporated into the reconstruction; the rest is a re-creation.

There is a photo of James White Fort, taken around 1969, in the online Knox County Two Centuries Photograph Collection. This collection is part of the Knox County Public Library's Calvin McClung Historical Collection.

Current location:

Original location: Near the intersection of Clinch Avenue and State Street in downtown Knoxville. This is right by where the First Presbyterian Church cemetery is, too.