1797- Ramsey House

The Ramsey House was built in 1797 by Francis Alexander Ramsey. Also called Swan Pond or Marbledale.

Location: 2614 Thorngrove Pike, Knoxville

The Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission, in its document "East County Sector Plan: 2010," said this about the Ramsey House:

Marbledale (Ramsey House Swan Pond):

Built in 1797 by Francis Alexander Ramsey, who fathered the famous historian, Dr. James G.M. Ramsey, and Knoxville’s first elected Mayor, William B.A. Ramsey. Francis Alexander served on the Board of Blount College, later becoming the University of Tennessee. A Ramsey family member lived in the house until the civil war when they moved to South Carolina for safety. The house was sold and continued to change hands until 1952 when the Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities acquired the property and began restoration.